Diana Kinnert’s book “Die Neue Einsiedlung”, which was published in 2021, received great praise, including from Markus Lanz.

However, the publicist, who belongs to the CDU, had plagiarized.

Her publisher Hoffmann und Campe therefore decided in the spring to no longer offer or sell the work.

Orders have not been served since then.

"The book was removed from our website and the affiliated shop as no longer available," explains Lisa Bluhm when asked by the FAZ.

Huber's book will not be reprinted

CSU General Secretary Martin Huber had published his doctoral thesis in Utzverlag.

The title read: "The Influence of the CSU on the Western Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1954-1969 with regard to Relations with France and the USA".

The doctoral committee of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich recently stated that the handling of the formalities did not correspond to the scientific requirements.

CSU General Secretary Martin Huber is now giving up his doctorate.

No problem for Matthias Hoffmann, Managing Director of Utzverlag, because: "The work is out of print and will not be reprinted according to the contract." .

The book was still available for purchase in the spring.

A 55-page excerpt containing a number of plagiarisms is still available on the publisher's website.

In February 2022, the non-fiction book “Who is silent, agrees” by Ulrike Guérot was published by Westend Verlag.

In the work of the Bonn political scientist there are numerous unmarked texts that Markus Linden documented in the FAZ in June 2022.

Among other things, the author copied long passages of text from Paul Watzlawick without mentioning the author.

She also used the Spanish philosopher Marina Garcés.

In October 2022, the publisher stated: "Unfortunately, an indirect speech is not shown as a quote in two places, although authors and books are named.

Unfortunately, the editors of the publishing house initially overlooked this, but have since corrected it.” It is permissible to speak of plagiarism in such cases.

"But we think it's inappropriate.

These quotes are only indicative of the subject matter of the book.

They don't make up the actual substance of the book.” In general, however, substance is lacking in the book.

It will continue to be sold.

Wolfrum's bestseller is spoiled

Edgar Wolfrum's plagiarisms also became known that year.

The Heidelberg contemporary historian used various books from third parties without reporting it.

Katharina Wilts tells us from Klett-Cotta-Verlag that the remaining copies of the book "Der Aufsteiger - Eine Geschichte Deutschlands von 1990 bis heute" are blocked.

The decision to waste has already been made.

"The book is being revised, but the publication date has not yet been set," the FAZ said. A decision will be made on how to proceed because of the plagiarism in Wolfrum's book "Die Welt im Zwiespalt" when the revision of the "climber" is complete.

An author can make his editor and his publisher quite a lot of work.