The statue of Minamoto no Yoritomo, who founded the Kamakura shogunate, is said to have been planted in a temple in Shimada City, Shizuoka Prefecture about 800 years ago. .

What is open to the public is a statue of Minamoto no Yoritomo sitting in a black robe and purple hakama, holding a shaku.

It is 1 meter 10 centimeters high, 1 meter 47 centimeters wide, and weighs about 55 kilograms.

A cedar planted by Yoritomo at Chiman-ji Temple in Shimada City fell down ten years ago, and a Buddhist sculptor in Kyoto spent about nine months creating it in order to preserve the cedar for future generations. is.

It was unveiled in Kyoto in October this year, but for three days from the 23rd, it will be on display at the Shimada City Museum along with the chisels and hammers used in its production.

This statue is scheduled to be dedicated to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura City, which is related to Yoritomo, next spring.

A woman in her 70s who visited the venue said, "The wood grain was very beautiful when I saw it up close. It's a cedar from 800 years ago, but I can feel its vitality."

Hiroki Matsushita, assistant manager of the Shimada City Museum, said, "You can see not only the front but also 360 degrees, so please come and visit."