President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the State Council said that a “all-round youth support system” should operate throughout the country with equal access to it for everyone.

This is a question not only of social lifts, but also of young people's communication with the state, and through it with the national civilization, its culture and history.

We are talking about the need to open the country to young people so that they can say their new word in it, about it and about themselves.

And here the main question arises: what is our image of youth, what we want to see it?

It can be recalled that during the Soviet perestroika, the destructive fruits of which we are still reaping, the emphasis was placed on the fact that everything would somehow resolve itself.

There is no need to influence the youth in any way, it is necessary to give it a certain set of knowledge, and then throw it into a muddy pool - and let it swim up if you have enough strength: natural selection.

In the first frames of the cult film of that time "The Needle", the path of the hero Viktor Tsoi named Moreau is accompanied by the words: "No one knew where he was going, and he himself too."

In 1991, the idol of the young Bogdan Titomir recorded the song "Do as I do", where the imperative also sounds: "Come out of nowhere, go nowhere." 

And what does the motion vector “go there, I don’t know where” mean?

Confusion, confusion.

The flight of withered foliage at the behest of the wind and the external force of gravity.

When society turns into a set of individuals isolated and alienated from each other with the optics of nihilism in relation to everything of their own, perceiving that there is nothing worthwhile around, therefore it is necessary to fly away as far as possible.

At the same time, we made sure that if the state ceases to deal with youth, and school education switches to the service sector, then those who begin to occupy this niche in their own interests come.

For example, building through their propaganda, through their textbooks and censorship, a Western-centric coordinate system with the symbol of success “It's time to bring down” - migratory birds that do not smell the country under them.

Or like in Ukraine, when an ideologically modified product with a short memory is constructed from young people, with the dominance of dogmas embedded in it and the music of Nazi marches.

The communication of the state with the youth is an extremely delicate sphere, which does not tolerate formalism and condo methods, when someone is in the woods, someone is for firewood, for show and for reporting.

And in recent Russian history, as the president noted, “not everything can be done” in this direction.

Because there is always a question about the ideological foundations of such work, about its foundation.

Yes, there is no state ideology in Russia, but this does not mean at all that everything ideological is completely emasculated. 

For a long time there was a bet on achieving personal, individual success.

The ideology of grandmothers prevailed.

Something like the American dream, because we could not formulate our own.

We were told that it was not necessary: ​​it was enough to take the allegedly universal, accepted in the civilized world and follow these precepts in a disciplined manner.

There was a bet on a young, unrooted pragmatist, a cynic with the slogan "Nothing personal - just business."

With this measure, they approached patriotism, which was fed by the fact that a young man could get something from the state.

Therefore, I perceived relations with him as with a corporation that pays for work: you - to me, I - to you.

If he didn’t get it, he turned around and went to where they offered more and better conditions.

The current era of great history, which began on February 24, finally exposed the crisis of such a system of communication.

Someone panicked, confused, ran on a scooter or any other form of transport beyond the cordon.

All because it seemed as if the corporation in which he labored was on the verge of bankruptcy, its assets and reputation collapsed - and now strict external inspectors and inspectors have taken over it, so it's time to run away at any cost.

What other behavioral reactions could there be when there is no value attachment to this country, when there is no sense of community?

But this is the product of the post-Soviet system of work with youth, or just what could not be done.

Another version of the foundation on which to create a modern image of youth is, according to the Russian president, active patriotism.

It is for this format of communication that it is necessary to make sure that young people can discover their country and feel inseparable ownership.

As Vladimir Putin noted, “our task is to give the young people of Russia a solid foundation in the form of reliable knowledge, and to this end, among other things, develop and introduce into the educational processes a separate academic course dedicated to the history and foundations of Russian statehood.

Educational projects are especially important now.”

The history of national statehood is the path of a unique civilizational community.

Talk about how she was going.

Why not an essential dominant that unites many peoples, different religions in a symphonic whole on a vast territory?

Active patriotism is also young guys on the front line.

This includes volunteering, volunteering in various forms and manifestations, which, according to Putin, allows "to gain experience in civic responsibility and solidarity."

The history of the community must not only be known, felt, but also defended, defended and continued to be written in the present.

Active patriotism also means social lifts organized by the state for the young.

When the authorities take responsibility, so that "they have the opportunity to receive a quality versatile education, get an interesting job, feel the care of the state when giving birth to children and in purchasing housing."

Such elevators are a kind of social order.

And this is normal practice, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Or are you proposing to go nowhere again? ..

This social order is designated: ensuring the technological sovereignty of Russia.

And here, for starters, it is also necessary to overcome nihilism and distrust of one's own. 

Recall the history of domestic scientific victories and breakthroughs, as well as the winners - legendary people in science.

This will become “a real inspiring force for the younger generation”, capable of “capturing children with knowledge, motivating them from an early age to study physics, chemistry, biology, and so on in depth, and through this, educate a new, powerful generation of scientific leaders.”

That is, a promising image of young people is being built, we already clearly understand what we need.

People who know the domestic civilizational community, for whom it is an unconditional axiological category.

People with a sense of civic responsibility and solidarity.

Those who rely on leadership - and first of all in the scientific field, because, like the youth, science is the future.

Yes, and still capable of defending and defending their own, our truth.

Capable of protesting against injustice.

Remember the young girl who danced the kalinka in Germany on May 9 in front of a raging crowd?

Young people who laid flowers at Soviet monuments in the Baltics and opposed their demolition?

This is also active patriotism and a real protest against injustice, and not Western conjuncture, because these young people sacrificed a lot.

To implement such an architecture of the younger generation, a unified support system is needed, which the president spoke about.

This is solid knowledge, enlightenment and the shoulder of the state.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.