Although we do not realize it, portable devices are capable of

capturing and monitoring movement patterns that we carry out throughout the day and that go unnoticed

, such as those accelerations -bordering on the 'cochinero' trot, as José María García said- that we put into our walk when we miss the bus or the traffic light is going to turn red.

These are short bursts of what is now called

'vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity'


In other words, small movement 'snacks' that daily life puts before us, such as walking, climbing stairs, etc. (which have nothing to do with the exercises we do in the gym) and that 'feed' that mechanism that we carry with us from time to time. series and is so undervalued called NEAT (Not Exercise Activity Thermogenesis).

With all that information on the table and data collected over almost seven years, Matthew N Ahmadi and Emmanuel Stamakys, the same professors at the University of Sydney School of Medicine and Health (Australia) who, in late October, published, Along with other colleagues, an investigation in which they indicated the

minimum time of weekly vigorous physical activity necessary to reduce the risk of suffering from some diseases

such as cancer or heart problems, have just released another report in which they value the

usefulness of portable devices as a 'thermometer of our health

', present and future.

To prove this, they examined the association between VILPA (sorry for those awful acronyms) rates with the occurrence of

cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer mortality

in 25,241 non-athletes (14,178 women and 11,063 men with a mean age of 61.8 years), taking as reference the information from the United Kingdom Biobank.

During an average follow-up of 6.9 years, a period in

which 852 deaths occurred, it was possible to observe, thanks to the activity meters, that with only three

series of one or two minutes of vigorous physical activity in our daily lives,

a 38 to 40% reduction in all causes and risk of death from cancer and 48 to 49% in the case of cardiovascular disease.

But there is still more.

They were also able to see that these results were further improved by increasing VILPA to 4.4 minutes per day: a 26-30% reduction in the risk of cancer mortality and a 32-34% reduction in the risk of cancer mortality. CVD.

What did they conclude, then?

Well, according to their data, VILPA in people who do not exercise seems to cause similar effects to vigorous physical activity (VPA) in those who do, which suggests that the former may be a suitable target for those who do not want to


. or do not like to play sports.


So far, the research by Matthew N Ahmadi and Emmanuel Stamakys which, it must be said, leaves the bar for daily physical activity quite low.

Even more than the

UN did in the review of its recommendations, published at the end of November 2020

and which included some small modifications with respect to the proposals in 2010.


children and adolescents between the ages of five and 17

, it is advisable to accumulate an

average of 60 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity (mainly aerobic) daily

throughout the week.

Also complete at least

three sessions of specific exercises to strengthen

muscles and bones as well as limit the time spent on sedentary activities, particularly the time spent in front of a screen.


150 and 300 weekly minutes

(in the previous document only a minimum of 150 was mentioned).

That is the period that adults between the ages of 18 and 64

should invest in movement .

In addition, it is no longer mentioned what should be the minimum duration of the 'mini-pills' of exercise that we must do during the day.

In addition to putting into practice the advice indicated for the previous age group, those

over 65 years

of age must emphasize the performance of routines that, in addition to maintaining good muscle tone, help them

work on resistance, balance and coordination

to improve their functional capacity and thus prevent possible falls.

Aware of the sedentary lifestyle pandemic that plagues us and, in an attempt to break down the psychological barrier that moving can pose for some people, the WHO proposes in this 2020 document, accumulating movement throughout the day

with different types of daily actions

such as walk, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk the dog, and even do housework.

Everything counts.

Even the simple gesture of

getting up from the chair

during our working day to take short walks.

What has been said, seen what has been seen, it is clear that, as a society, we have the bar for physical activity on the ground.

And that we are designed to move...

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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