Recently, Jiangjunshan Ski Resort in Altay City, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang and Keketuohai Ski Resort in Fuyun County officially opened to the public. Snow lovers from inside and outside Xinjiang gallop on the ski resorts and experience the fun of skiing.

  In the service hall of Area B of Jiangjunshan International Ski Resort, snow lovers made reservations in advance online and activated their ski passes in an orderly manner.

At the Keketuohai Ski Resort, the snow lovers can't wait to run on the snow track, and many snow lovers are hooked.

  Altay, Xinjiang is known as the "origin of human skiing", rich in snow resources, located in the golden latitude of world skiing at 45°-47° north latitude, the annual snowfall period is as long as 170-180 days, and the snow accumulation period is 210 days. It is known as the birthplace of human skiing, "China's snow capital" and so on.

  [Concurrent] Sichuan tourist Lin Shengkun

  The opening of the ski resort today is also an early appointment. I came here early this morning and said that I would go to open the skis and enjoy the first skiing in winter. I was still very excited.

  [Concurrent] Ski enthusiast Hou Fukui

  The snow this year is particularly good. Today I skied the intermediate trail three times and the No. 3 trail once. I feel that the snow quality is very good, and I am also very happy. The weather today is also very sunny, which makes people feel very comfortable.

  Ku Fen Tu Nong Ke Han Ling produced Yang Tao Video source Xinjiang Altay Financial Media Center

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]