A unicorn needs sunlight, moonbeams and rainbows on a regular basis.

Its favorite food is watermelon, so it should be fed at least once a week.

At least once a month, the owner should care for the fur of the mythical creature with a damp cloth.

And, that goes without saying: the glitter that the owner showers on her unicorn must not be poisonous, but must be biodegradable.

These magical unicorn care rules aren't taken from the Harry Potter books.

The Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control wrote it down for the girl Madeline.

As per an Instagram post, the child had contacted the agency in mid-November with a somewhat unusual pet request: "Dear LA County, I would like your permission to keep a unicorn in my yard if I can find one.

Please send me an answer.


The staff dealt with the child's concerns with great care.

So they didn't just reply to Madeline with an official letter about the conditions required to keep a unicorn.

They even included a colorful certificate signed by the director - and a unicorn plushie.

"In the meantime, because they're so hard to find, we hope you enjoy the included unicorn," the letter to Madeline said.

The plushie comes with a heart-shaped charm engraved with "Permanent Unicorn License".

"We are always happy to hear from young people who are concerned about providing a loving home for an animal," the agency wrote on Instagram this week.

"Therefore, yes - we license unicorns!"