• Outbreak Strep A, the common bacterium behind the spike in cases and deaths in children in the UK

  • Health Two children and an adult die in France from streptococcus A infections

Fifteen minors have died in the United Kingdom

from streptococcus A infections

since last September, according to data published Thursday by the country's health agencies, which until Tuesday had recorded nine deaths.

In England,

60 people across all age groups have died since September

after being diagnosed with a strep A infection, including 23 over the age of 75 and 13 under the age of 15, according to data from the UK Health Security Agency. Kingdom (UKHSA, in English).

The health authorities have stressed that

no new variants of these bacteria have been detected

and attribute the increase in cases compared to other years to the

increase in social interactions after long periods of isolation

during the coronavirus pandemic.

The UK's National Pharmacy Association warned this week that

"disruptions" were taking place in the penicillin supply chain

, while the Independent Multiple Pharmacy Association said stores across the country were having

trouble restocking various types. of antibiotics


Health Minister Steve Barclay has denied that there is a shortage and has assured that the supply of antibiotics "is not a concern at the moment."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Infectious diseases

  • Pediatrics

  • United Kingdom