There is the donkey, the shepherd, the gypsy… In December, in Provence, the stars of the month are a few centimeters tall, are made of clay and sit at the foot of the Christmas tree, in the crib.

For centuries they have been perpetuated in this corner of France.

The tradition of santons.

This Provençal tradition requires a real know-how that a handful of santonniers compete for.

In Marseille, Robert and Sylviane Rampal embarked on the adventure in 1975, in parallel with their teaching careers.

After 80 springs, they continue to spend long hours in their studio, whose doors they opened to us.


Beaucaire inaugurated its Christmas crib… without the nativity figures


Provence: The santons on the (long) road to recognition as a UNESCO heritage site

  • Christmas

  • Christmas crib

  • Marseilles

  • Paca

  • Company