Editor-in-Chief's speech

Why the "hotline" in "Emirates Today"?

Mona Bousmara


December 07, 2022

A few days ago, "Emirates Today", through its well-known humanitarian window "Hotline", concluded one of its latest humanitarian and charitable campaigns, entitled "Yak Al-Awn" in its third season, and was able in just a few days, in cooperation with Dubai Courts and the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities. In Dubai, he collected five million and 708 thousand and 634 dirhams, which was sufficient to pay off the indebtedness of 51 citizens prosecuted, coinciding with the most expensive occasion, the 51st Union Day, thus bringing smiles and joy back to 51 Emirati families.

Many readers do not know that the “hot line”, which is an important section of the newspaper, was able, through a simple group of employees, who possess strong determination, a sense of patriotism and an incomparable love for charitable and humanitarian work, and through extended years that began in 2011, to secure more than 353 million dirhams for the benefit of citizens and residents who went through difficult living conditions, and this aid was like a healing balm for them, and capable of ending their suffering and the suffering of their families, an achievement that Emirates Today is proud of, especially since associations or entities dedicated to collecting and organizing donations may not be able to do so.

Some may ask two questions in this regard, the first: What is the relationship of a newspaper that specializes in publishing news, topics, and coverage to charitable work?

And the second: Does the UAE, with its riches and its great record in aiding the far before the near, need such an effort?

In fact, "Emirates Today" adopts a culture based on not being satisfied with the role of the sender only for the content. The concept of interaction with the recipient was one of the main pillars of its success, as it is a popular-style newspaper that has approached the pulse of its readers since its inception, and has been carrying the slogan of interaction and communication with them. Not only to convey their observations, issues and complaints, but also to contribute to resolving them through an organized human effort that does not prejudice its work based on professionalism, accuracy and objectivity.

At the same time, this humanitarian window is an embodiment of principles such as cooperation, solidarity and interdependence, in addition to reflecting a form of social responsibility that must be present in the work of every governmental and private institution.

The UAE, which has been at the forefront for several years on the list of donor countries in terms of aid and relief, and with its financial capabilities, has the ability to deal efficiently with all observations and complaints of its citizens, but it is very keen to make the culture of humanitarian and charitable work a general culture, adopted by individuals. And companies and institutions, to promote the concepts of solidarity and solidarity, as one of the most important levers of advanced civilized societies.

From this standpoint, the state has established clear traditions for charitable and humanitarian work, and paved the way for it with a set of legislation and laws. At the federal level, we have the donations regulation law, which is one of the important laws, because it supports the culture of giving and charitable work, organizes it, and charts successful paths for it, in The framework of a set of controls and provisions, in order to preserve the donors’ money, protect it from any form of exploitation, and ensure that it reaches the beneficiaries who deserve it.

And at the level of the Emirate of Dubai, we have a decree-law regarding the organization of fundraising, since 2015, and the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai is keen to support and encourage fundraising campaigns and charitable work activities in the Emirate of Dubai, based on the highest standards approved in this field, and according to the controls it sets. The law to ensure that donations reach those who deserve it.

In "Emirates Today", we have a full and extended partnership with the department, and with many institutions of common interest.

We will continue, God willing, to strengthen this humanitarian and charitable aspect of our journalistic work, and we intend to develop its paths and diversify its forms, so that we can serve a larger segment of the target groups, and in many aspects, such as education, housing, employment, treatment, marriage, as well as insolvent prisoners, And support citizens with limited income, with the enthusiasm of donors who spare no effort and do not hesitate to provide all forms of support and assistance, whether they are institutions, companies, banks or individuals, and the invitation remains open to everyone who has the ability to support and support to extend his hand, and assign this role that We are proud to present it through many initiatives that will see the light in the future.



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