The unfortunate incident with Grigory Leps, which took place in St. Petersburg, once again tells us that the artist is also a person.

And that his work is difficult and thankless.

The plot is quite simple: Leps worked out a big anniversary concert at the Ice Palace, not being in the best shape.

At the end of the concert, he became quite nervous, during the encore he dropped the microphone and left the stage.

However, expressing his gratitude to the public.

Those present noted that the singer had difficulties with his voice, and you know how Leps works at concerts.

And if you don't know, then trust me: I've seen him do it.

Few people will show one number in this mode, but here is a whole big concert.

Yes, and important - dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the artist.

That is, in a sense, reporting.

The frustrated singer went to a bar, where he had a conflict with a visitor.

The conflict ended in a fight involving both Leps himself and his hefty guards.

As a result, the artist's opponent broke his nose.

At first, he, too, was not in a complaint and called the artist, who personally climbed into the fight, "a normal man."

However, he nevertheless wrote a statement to the police - perhaps in the hope of an out-of-court settlement.

The singer has a lot of money.

I don’t know about you, but personally, having worked at concerts as a reporter for a decade, I have no complaints about Grigory Leps.

He works without hack-work, gives all the best, and probably no one can reproach him for unprofessionalism.

And the very facts of throwing a microphone and a fight in a bar do not add anything to the portrait of Leps and do not diminish anything from it.

Rock 'n' roll is what it is.

And the only thing that can raise questions is the participation of the singer's guards in the fight.

However, the guards are paid to guard the customer.

Here she is, so to speak, and guarded.

But still, if this guard were not there, Leps would only gain authority from the situation.

Moreover, his audience loves just such a Leps - sharp, cool and nervous.

And earlier, in the old days, she loved him also drunk.

True, those times when he appeared on stage drunk are long gone.

As a result, everyone is happy.

An audience that received a great concert.

The press, susceptible to sensationalism.

Satisfied with the bar, which will now be known as "the bar where Leps fought."

And even the victim - and he, I believe, is pleased.

Now he can tell all his life how he fought with a people's artist and a superstar.

And perhaps even drove him right on the starry muzzle.

Well, again, the prospect of an out-of-court settlement certainly warms the soul.

In general, a rare situation when everything is wrong, and as a result there are no dissatisfied.

Unless the police now have to do something about it all.

And she certainly doesn't want to.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.