Master Of Puppets

, the Metallica title originally released in 1986, became a real hit again thanks to

Stranger Things


In the fourth season of the Netflix series, an entire sequence is built around the song and its guitar riff played by Eddie Munson's character to ward off the evil bats that inhabit the Upside Down.

And if Metallica accepted with pleasure this loan, it could have been otherwise if the group had not changed its policy on the matter a few years ago.

“With Metallica, we were the guys who said no for a long time.

"Hey, can we use this song for this? Can we have this title for this?"

It was always no, no, no and no”, explained Lars Ulrich, the drummer of the formation, during a passage in the

Howard Stern Show


“And a few years ago, we turned our jackets around.

We made a 180° turn.


The crown jewels

"We were just like, 'You know what? This is stupid. Why are we hanging on to these songs like they're so important, like they're the crown jewels? Let's share our music with the world", continued Lars Ulrich.

“So we started saying yes to everything.


It was good for them since streaming of the song exploded, allowing Metallica to settle in the Billboard Hot 100 for the very first time in its history.

And as the iron has to be struck while it is hot, Lars Ulrich's band has just taken the opportunity to announce the release of their next album, revealing in passing a first single entitled

Lux ​​Æterna



“Stranger Things”: Joseph Quinn, aka Eddie, jammed with Metallica!

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