Elementary school students in Uki City, Kumamoto Prefecture used local sugarcane to try making brown sugar, which was once a popular activity in the area.

This event was held by Aomi Elementary School in Uki City to help children deepen their understanding of brown sugar making, which was popular locally until the 1950s.

On the 4th, about 130 people, including children and their parents, participated in the challenge of making brown sugar using about 300 kg of sugar cane that the children had grown in a nearby field.

After squeezing out the juice by inserting sugar cane into the machine one after another, the children put it in a large pot and boiled it down for about two hours while stirring to complete a thick brown sugar.

Amidst the sweet scent, the children enjoyed the freshly made brown sugar.

After about 90 kilograms of brown sugar is poured into a wooden mold and allowed to dry naturally, children take it home or use it as a seasoning for school lunches.

A boy in the sixth grade of elementary school said, "It was hard to simmer in the pot, but it was fun. It tasted like caramel and was delicious."

A 5th grade girl said, "I'm glad I was able to make it with everyone. I want to melt it in milk warmed at home and drink it."