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"A little tuk to play"

Dirar Balhoul Al Falasi


December 05, 2022

"You're too young to play, O (...)" is one of the most popular sports songs and chants that the fans chant in the event of a victory over the opponent, often with a great positive result, and it indicates that the defeated team needs more experience and practice, in order to reach or catch up, or at the level of the winning team.

It is always better in meetings to use the method of listening, not listening, because there is a difference between the two. The Almighty said: {If you repent to God, then your hearts have already reconciled} [Al-Tahrim: 4].

Here, I would like to remind you of a situation that happened to me in one of the meetings. By listening, you can form a comprehensive idea of ​​the subject, which gives you an opportunity to arrange your papers and ideas for a response. Before I start, a colleague whispers in my ear: Say this and say this, and do not say that!

For your information, this fellow was training at my hands one day, and I did not skimp on him an iota of knowledge or information, so I gave him a look that was fatal, and was sufficient to make him return to his senses.

The surprise was after I finished speaking and explaining;

Then he comes back and praises, and says: “By God, your response was clear and strong.” I said to him: “Why did you have any doubts, O so-and-so?” Among the young people these days, which is their unwillingness to learn, and their rush to things. “From the first day he attends, he wants to be a manager, and whoever wants to be a minister!” Ambition is good, because it is the fuel that drives the wheel of progress. Otherwise, it is called “greed.”

Career progression is very important, as each of us aspires to reach a higher position, so we must work with all our efforts, and make the best use of our skills and resources, in order to progress in our job to the best.

"pointing her way":

Negative ambition - I call it blind ambition - is more harmful to its owner, and it may collapse at any moment, as the Emirati proverb says: “He just got out of the egg!” You understand what you understand your problem.



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