The announcement by

Edmundo Bal

that he will aspire to lead


offers a terrible image that the party does not deserve in its final stage.

A group that has provided such valuable services to constitutionalism, especially in Catalonia, should be able to manage its last bars with a high vision.

That means avoiding the infighting over the wreck.

And also consider boldly what is the best option so that the values ​​of Cs -which maintain all

their validity- survive acronyms that are no longer a useful vehicle to represent them, without ruling out the contribution of their ideas and their assets to the broad project, with a vocation for centrality and clear possibilities of winning that Feijóo is building.

The most outstanding asset of the party is precisely

begona villacis

, who will not stand for Cs in the Madrid elections if Bal takes over.

Cs was born in 2006 as a result of the fatigue of many Catalans with the abandonment of constitutional values ​​by the PSOE and the PP.

Some of the best minds in Catalonia gave birth to a civic platform and later a party that

heroically fought basic battles for democracy


Against the dominant nationalism, he defended the common language, freedom of expression, the neutrality of the institutions and the right of Catalans not to be turned into foreigners in their country.

His subsequent jump to the whole of Spain with Albert Rivera as the undisputed leader excited millions of voters, who saw in Cs a centrist option, a benchmark for liberal values, firm with nationalism and a standard bearer of democratic regeneration while Rajoy's PP looked plagued by corruption.

In April 2019 the party reached its electoral ceiling, with 57 deputies.

From there everything got worse.

The agreement with the PSOE of Pedro Sánchez was not possible.

Rivera aspired to devour the PP

, which did not happen, and he gave the socialist leader the story he was looking for.

Thus Sánchez gave himself up to the harmful alliance with nationalism and the extreme left that still supports him.

Since Rivera's resignation, and with the Catalan stronghold undercapitalized, Inés Arrimadas, possessor of a valuable political patrimony, has exercised an irregular leadership, although the situation was not easy.

In a polarized climate, and with the PP attracting its cadres and voters, the Cs' support for the PSOE for the approval of a motion of censure in Murcia opened a new political stage in Spain.

The formation did not get any seats in Madrid, with Bal as a candidate


What was to be the great pivotal party to avoid blackmail from Basque and Catalan nationalism crashed in Castilla y León and disappeared from the Andalusian Parliament.

Bal, a state lawyer purged by Sánchez, has made two notable mistakes: his support for the law of

only yes is yes

, despite all the reports critical of the project, and its complacent position on the

trans law


With her step forward, which has an obvious component of personal betrayal of Arrimadas, she pushes her party towards a Cainite end.

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