Hochman said in a video he posted on his page that the Arabs refuse to talk to him once they know his nationality, but rather rush to rise around him, while repeating words calling for freedom for Palestine and the Palestinian people.

In Germany, an analyst suggested on a television channel, by defrauding the Qatari law that criminalizes homosexuality, that German players perform abnormal practices after each goal as a form of solidarity with homosexuals, after Qatar and FIFA refused to wear uniforms bearing slogans Promote gays.

The session also dealt with the following topics:

  • The Israeli media asks: Are the regimes with printing presses in one valley and their people in another?

  • An Israeli journalist wanders around Doha, and his fellow fighter assumes the role of a journalist.

  • Genes of Arab generosity are overflowing and foreign fans of their compatriots: do not believe our media.

  • A great Arab joy for the Moroccan team reaches the Syrian displacement camps.

  • Qatar lush green meadows..BBC media failure or technical error?

  • A bloody ax, Wagner's gift to the European Union, after stigmatizing Russia with terrorism.

  • The Indian Minister of the Interior is proud of the massacres of genocide committed against Muslims and threatens to repeat them.

  • Away from politics, do Sunni and Shiite Muslims hate each other?

Presented by: Nazih Al Ahdab