Everyone has experienced the symptoms of dizziness more or less, such as motion sickness, seasickness, and airsickness. When it is severe, you feel like you are spinning in circles, or even nauseated.

Then why do you still feel dizzy when you are not in a car?

This may be related to a dishonest "little rock".

  Some time ago, 58-year-old Mr. Zhang suddenly felt tinnitus when he woke up in the morning. stone disease".

  Stones grow in people's ears?

What about otolithiasis?

  On November 30, Red Star News reporters interviewed relevant experts...

  What is otolithiasis?

  "Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo"

  "Dizziness, nausea, dizziness, and numbness all over the body...doctor, what's wrong with me?" During the doctor's visit, Mr. Zhang anxiously described his symptoms to the doctor, worried that there might be a serious problem with his body.

Subsequently, according to the examination, the doctor diagnosed that he was suffering from "otolithiasis".

  What is otolithiasis?

This is the first time Mr. Zhang heard of it.

Professor Zhao Hongjian, Director of the Department of Internal Medicine and Director of the Department of Neurology at the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University, explained that otoliths are actually not real stones.

The three pairs of semicircular canals in the inner ear of the human body are important sensory organs for sensing the spatial position and movement of the human body. There is a layer of colloidal membrane on the surface of the utricular macula and saccular macula connected to the semicircular canal, and a layer of colloidal membrane attached to the surface of the colloidal canal that can only be seen with an electron microscope Tiny calcium carbonate crystals, these crystals are so small that they are medically called "otoliths" because of their stone-like shape.

  In some cases, the detached otoliths go where they shouldn't go, causing a series of body reactions, causing the patient to feel dizzy, thus forming "otolithiasis".

Otolithiasis is just a popular name. In fact, it also has a name called "benign paroxysmal positional vertigo". After treatment, the curative effect is relatively good.

  Subsequently, Mr. Zhang was successfully cured by the domestically advanced and the city's first SRM-IV benign paroxysmal positional vertigo diagnosis and treatment system introduced by the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University. Mr. Zhang said gratefully: "I feel very good after reset, and I don't feel dizzy at all." .

  What are the symptoms of otolithiasis?

  Experts remind: be vigilant if you have the following symptoms

  So, is dizziness and tinnitus a symptom of otolithiasis?

What are the specific manifestations of otolithiasis?

  According to Professor Zhao Hongjian, the presence of vertigo does not necessarily mean otolithiasis.

But if vertigo or dizziness meets the following characteristics, you need to be vigilant:

  1. Severe rotational vertigo occurs when the head position changes, dizziness when the head is raised, dizziness when lowered, dizziness when getting up, dizziness when lying down, turning over or dizziness, and some people even wake up due to vertigo attacks during sleep;

  2. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, cold limbs and other discomfort;

  3. The duration is generally short, ranging from a few seconds to tens of seconds;

  4. Different degrees of top-heavy and floating sensation after the attack, the whole course of the disease can be several hours to several days, and some can reach several months or several years.

  Professor Zhao Hongjian reminded that although the etiology of otolithiasis is not completely clear at present, most of the onset of otolithiasis is related to head trauma, insufficient blood supply to the brain, and at the same time, it is related to unhealthy life and rest, such as staying up late at work, sitting for a long time, and long-term indoor activities , Looking down at mobile phones for a long time, irregular and unhealthy eating habits, etc. are also related.

  How to treat it?

  Manual reset or instrument reset

  What should be the treatment after finding out that you have otolithiasis?

"Generally speaking, if the diagnosis is otolithiasis, the feeling of dizziness will disappear after reset." Zhao Hongjian said that in most cases, patients with otolithiasis do not need to be hospitalized unless there are special circumstances, such as multi-tube otolithiasis, or otolithiasis. Larger stones require hospitalization.

  At present, the most effective treatment methods for otolithiasis are traditional manipulative reset and vertigo diagnosis and treatment instrument reset. The principle is to guide the "runaway" otolith from the semicircular canal back into the utricle, and the symptoms can be improved. .

Compared with the traditional method of reset, the reset of the instrument is more accurate and safe. During the reset, the exclusive infrared ray directly tracks the nystagmus, judges the position of the semicircular canal when the otolith occurs, and uses the targeted reset method to solve it efficiently.

  Will it relapse after treatment?

Zhao Hongjian said that otolithiasis has a certain relapse, but individual differences are different, and the relapse time varies. "Some months, some years, and some relapses over ten years." However, everyone should not panic, although Symptoms caused by otolithiasis can cause physical discomfort, but there is no serious harm. If it recurs, there is no need to worry too much. The treatment method is effective.

  He Xuezhen Red Star News reporter Zhang Zhaoting