In response to the fact that the basic policy for countermeasures against the new coronavirus no longer mentions eating in silence, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology issued a notice to prefectural governments stating that it is possible to have a conversation if appropriate measures are taken regarding how to spend school lunches. We have decided to send it to the board of education of the school.

Until now, the government had clearly stated in its basic policy for countermeasures against the new coronavirus, ``Eating and drinking should be as small as possible and eating silently,'' but this statement was deleted on the 25th of this month. .

In response, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology decided to issue a notice on the 29th to boards of education nationwide on how to spend school lunches.

In the notice, we will explain the change in the basic response policy and reiterate that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's manual does not necessarily require "silent eating."

On top of that, "it is possible to have a conversation between children and students during school lunch time after taking measures such as devising seating arrangements and ensuring appropriate ventilation," etc. This is a policy that we ask you to consider.

In addition, regarding the wearing of masks, we will take into account the feelings of children and students, and will also communicate efforts such as setting up scenes to remove masks and encouraging them to remove them in physical education classes.

Regarding measures against the new coronavirus at schools, there are voices saying that ``continuous measures are necessary'', but there are also voices that ``silent eating and masks are contributing to children's stress and lack of communication.'' are separated.