Alexander Lukashenko called on the Nezalezhnaya authorities to negotiate in order to avoid the complete destruction of Ukraine.

“Everything is in the hands of Ukraine,” the Belarusian president said.

Everything is so, only the trouble is that the Ukrainian authorities are not only not attuned to peace - they were originally created in the fires of the “Maidan” as its complete antipode.

In the situation of the world, this man-made regime is simply not able to exist, there is no necessary “air” for it, the very energy of death and destruction that feeds it.

And one more thing: this Frankenstein was originally created not only as an anti-Russia, a battering ram against it, but as an anti-Ukraine.

The West has created a monster that is ready to devour not only what is nearby, but also itself.

Yourself first.

Since 2014, this destructive energy has moved to the active phase to destroy Ukraine as a country.

Its history, culture, human connections.

The main evidence now is that Ukraine will not be the same.

She simply won't.

But is the territory that the NATO “liberator” boot, hiding under many guises, will knead, is Ukraine?

Is Ukraine really a space littered with weapons from all over the “progressive” world, on each hectare of which will soon be deployed a NATO howitzer and a tank?

Is Ukraine a territory favored by Polish imperial ambitions?

And German politicians secretly dream through her of revenge for losing in World War II.

Is Ukraine the current puppet of the Anglo-Saxon world, which dreams of using it to bleed, plunge into chaos and dismember Russia?

Is Ukraine an energy that has been honing its murderous skills on its own citizens for eight years, declaring a total civil war on them?

And such cannibalism could not be stopped by any agreements.

The territory that cleared the memory of the Great Patriotic War.

Betrayed relatives, clan, fathers and grandfathers.


All those who for centuries carefully and with all their might wrote the history of the community.

Abandoning their own monuments, destroying them, from their own heroes.

From writers, from military leaders and rulers.

From Pushkin and the monument to Catherine II in Odessa, about which they cynically say that it does not have any cultural value.

A territory that has fallen into wild and unbridled barbarism, armed with all the dark instincts and is proud of it.

Ukrainian politicians understand this very well.

They just need something like this: uproot, remove memory, change beyond recognition, but rather kill, destroy, in order to clean up to an empty foundation and create their own geek in this place.

Now it is often said that the West is ready to fight with Russia at the hands of Ukraine to the last Ukrainian.

The Independent regime itself strives for this, it is aimed at a policy of total extermination of its own and its own.

Ukraine will no longer be the same.

It simply won't exist.

This is the current task, which is being pursued with diligence.

Only Russia can save her, make a failure in this monstrous program.

It is a reminder of the Ukraine of the past, centuries old, present.

A reminder of the history of the community.

About much.

Therefore, he constantly offers peace, so that something reasonable and saving flashes in the eyes of the monster.

Alexander Lukashenko understands and sees all this, and therefore speaks of the possibility of salvation, appeals to a sense of self-preservation.

Can such voices be heard and do something in a situation where the people of Ukraine, in fact, are taken hostage and turned into slaves of this suicidal strategy that brings only death?

Let's hope so.

The Belarusian leader knows what he is talking about.

More recently, they tried to plunge his country into a similar mess of chaos and destruction.

He did it, he defended it.

At one time, Russia also coped, which, since the collapse of perestroika, was issued similar instructions and recommendations so that it also ceased to recognize itself.

It is also important to remember and see in today's Ukraine our possible destiny.

We were also heavily denounced and acted according to similar methods.

We got rid of this gloom in some incredible way.

Apparently, our huge history, including the history of our community, helped, extended a hand and dispersed the deadly and destructive mirages and fogs.

“Everything is now in the hands of Ukraine.

If they don’t want people to die, moreover, in huge numbers… It’s hard, it’s hard, but we have to stop, we have to stop it, because further there will be a complete destruction of Ukraine… This is not something that will threaten the loss of statehood, this will be the destruction of Ukraine,” - said the Belarusian leader.

And we must understand that this is the only recipe for saving this country.

The current wounds will surely heal.

There is no other option.

But Kyiv does not hear all this and every time arranges its big top out of the negotiation topic.

Sinister, like a funnel of darkness.

They are doing everything to destroy Ukraine.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.