• Favorite readings are something to be shared and our community recommends one of the ten novels selected from the Nuggets of the Montreuil Children's Book Fair every day.

  • Today, a novel in the "junior fiction" category (7-11 years old), "Maldoror the children of legend" by Philippe Lechermeier was published on March 23, 2022 by Éditions Flammarion Jeunesse

Christian Dorsan, author, blogger and contributor to the 20 Minutes Books reading group, recommends

Maldoror the children of the legend

by Philippe Lechermeier, published on March 23, 2022 by Éditions Flammarion Jeunesse and selected among the Nuggets for the best junior novel (7-11 years) at the Book and Youth Press Fair, from November 30 to December 5 in Montreuil.

His favorite quote:

The spectacle of all these wings twirling around Anja and Piotr like a rain of white flowers, thrilled the spectators.

But, as they began to applaud more loudly, forcing the young musicians to play the chorus again, a movement in the crowd suddenly dissipated the cloud.

Why this book?

  • Because you always have to read children's adventures

    to keep a child's soul, and this troupe that meets as the book progresses, and which ends up forming a real band of friends, is friendly and joyful. despite the hardships they are going through.

  • Because

    we always grow a little with this type of book:

    courage, solidarity, ingenuity are values ​​developed throughout the chapters.

    The adults are treacherous, the villain very wicked and the children courageous: however, despite the clichés, we cannot resist a lively writing, funny at times, sprinkled with magic.

  • Because this first volume is successful

    and calls for reading the rest of this thrilling adventure in order to discover this mysterious secret of Maldoror….

The essentials in 2 minutes

The plot.

A group of children meet following adventures around a stolen violin and a magic plant.

Together, they must discover the mystery of Maldoror so that everyone can find their own.


Anja and her violin, Piotr and his spider, Véra Pépina and Tchavolo bohemian brother and sisters, Jorn the animal charmer, Barone Von Stumpf who command the Erasers, the Grand Copthe and his bloodthirsty army, spies, animals and a mysterious plant linked to a kingdom of legend.


Eastern Europe: kyiv, Odessa, Vienna, Siberia

The time.


The author.

Philippe Lechermeier is a children's author who has received numerous awards.

He notably wrote the adventures of Till the mischievous.

Accustomed to tales for the little ones, Maldoror is his first novel for 9-12 year olds.

This book was read with

the soul of a child caught up in an adventure of which one would have liked to be one of the heroes.

A first volume that demands the reading of the second!

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