A storm of hate has erupted around the events organized by libraries, where drag show artists read norm-critical fairy tales to children.

From a political point of view, the Sweden Democrats have acted locally to stop the events.

The newly appointed Minister of Culture Parisa Liljestrand believes that one should stick to the principle of keeping an arm's length distance from culture as a politician.

"The principle of arm's length distance is a central guiding principle for the government's cultural policy.

It is crystal clear both in the government declaration and in the Tidö Agreement.

I do not think that politicians, either at national or local level, should control the content of the cultural offerings, for example storytimes," she says in the written statement.

Demanded that the storytimes be stopped

Local politician Jonathan Sager, from the Sweden Democrats in Kalmar, has demanded that the storytimes be stopped and has been supported at national level by, for example, second deputy speaker Björn Söder (SD).

The party's cultural policy spokesperson Bo Broman has declined to participate in TT's articles, but has previously told SVT that there is no central stance from the party on the matter.

"It is not our task at the national level to get involved in local cultural phenomena", he said then, but added that he himself did not think that the storytimes were particularly controversial.