One of the honorable brothers asked me: Why was it not recorded that any Western president attended the opening of the 2022 World Cup in Doha?

Some time ago, a Western media campaign was launched by officials, media professionals, and human rights activists to boycott the 2022 World Cup, and these campaigns sometimes justified their position with corruption cases (later Qatar was acquitted of them by the FIFA Ethics Committee), and at other times Qatar bypassed the human rights file in the labor that participated in building The infrastructure of the World Cup stadiums, and at a third time by preventing the arrival of homosexuals and raising their slogans.

The funny thing is that some justified the boycott by claiming that the cooling system in stadiums contributes to carbon emissions!

Stereotyping the Western media mental image portraying the peoples of the region as peoples who digest human rights and dominate the world's environment with their oil.

I fully know that Qatar has officially refuted these fabrications through the statements of its concerned ministers or its official media, but there are real reasons related to the roots of Western and European thinking about the Islamic world, its countries and its people, since the beginning of the conflict between the Islamic East and the European West and the distortion campaigns and Western mentality drawing on the prevailing Arab-Islamic region. By misleading the western peoples that the peoples of this region are a group of primitive, ignorant, ill-mannered and backward people in managing their affairs, themselves and their affairs.

And the media symbol in cinema, television and series settled on the image of the barbaric, backward and closed Arab, and that his only means of movement is the "stupid camel", and that his dwelling is "black tents", and the Arab Muslim was stereotyped as a "powder box" or "terrorist", and that the world did not He delivers from the evils of his terror.

With the passage of time and with the global openness and rejection of the Arab region's slogans of homosexuality and liberation, it became stereotyped to draw the Western media mental image of the peoples of the region as "peoples who digest human rights" and "overwhelm the world's environment with their oil."

But Qatar's hosting of the 2022 World Cup overturned all this mental image that was drawn over decades.

Qatar, through its field plan to create an amazing infrastructure and planning program, and the construction of the strongest infrastructure for the World Cup stadiums;

The Western peoples (including the participating fans) and the Western media were dazzled by the super-civilization of using clean energy, smart cities, and urban progress.

Qatar, with the hosting of this edition of the World Cup, is a civilized, bright, advanced state among prosperous Gulf cities. What is worse is that the people of Qatar and the Gulf peoples are conscious and civilized people who understand the languages ​​of the West and the East, and contribute effectively to the success of a global event with an advanced civil level.

And because Qatar has made practical efforts to show and preach Islam through openness and global dialogue through the participation of institutions and symbols that deal with generosity, chivalry, hospitality and high values ​​with the participating guests, this has erased all the mental images that the West drew about Arabs and Gulf people.

Such as the image of terrorism, violence and backwardness.


Western media and its clique of Western politicians - in addition to hateful and envious institutions - fear that Western peoples in particular and global peoples will be affected by the valuable effects of Islam, Arab generosity, and the advanced horizon of the people of Qatar and the peoples of the Gulf region, and that corrupt mental image (underdevelopment, terrorism, slavery, …) will be erased. ).

A month of spherical activity will be accompanied by a month of advocacy and values ​​work, drawing a new picture of one of the cities of the Muslim world today.

And our call to every Muslim, Arab and Gulf to be a role model for the people who come to see our truth as Muslims, Qatar has provided its capabilities an opportunity for Muslims to benefit from strengthening the mental image of Muslims.

We thank Qatar and its leadership for taking advantage of this opportunity that will not be repeated and for managing global activity with intelligence and skill.

Perhaps this answers the question: Why did Western presidents not participate?

Because they - simply - fear that their contributions will confer media legitimacy and realism on the measures taken by Qatar in allowing the peoples of the region to understand their truth, and that everything that Western leaders have drawn over the past decades may erase a large part of it in a month through a global football event.