"Staying alive", "Behind the glass"... The names of these long-standing reality shows come to mind when you hear the next statements of Ukrainian President Zelensky.

This is the first reaction.

It feels like you are on your own personal quest.

At the same time, for him the whole world is a theater.

In it, he is an actor, and all the others are scenery.

Created and existing only in order for the actor to better reveal himself and show his talents to an enthusiastic public.

Well, yes, a servant of the people.

Only what?

Or is the people only in service and is the background?

Now Zelensky is reporting some signals of Russian readiness for negotiations that reach him (okay, not voices).

And for the main character, what he considers himself to be, what kind of negotiations can there be?

Of course, on his terms.

And in formulating these conditions, he must show all his significance, unbelievably puff out his cheeks.

And so he regularly puts forward his own conditions, then beats his own hands and forbids negotiations, but soon again puts forward demands - one more absurd than the other: I want, they say, to be the mistress and for Russia to be on the premises ...

Now Zelensky offers a public negotiation format (how is that?).

Publicity, so publicity.

Publicity, so publicity.

Behind the glass and in the circus arena.

Of course he wants a show.

Without this doping and such a new sublimation, it simply cannot exist - it will instantly dissolve, leaving behind only a sulfuric smell.

In general, negotiations and agreements with Ukraine are a byword.

The current Ukrainian political class received a similar skill from their American teachers.

There is only one principle here: maximum rudeness.

At the same time, the agreements themselves do not mean anything to you and exist only so that you can ask from another.

An illustrative example is the Minsk agreements, which, subject to their implementation and a normal dialogue between the parties, simply would not have allowed the current round of confrontation.

But this was not what the Ukrainian regime needed - not peace and not the settlement of contradictions.

Therefore, they treat negotiations there with their tongues hanging out.

Because they are trained in this and follow such covenants.

At the same time, it’s scary to even think about their real goals.

And they periodically appear - this is the provocation of a global conflict.

Why such a desire for Ukraine is completely incomprehensible, but one can guess about the motives of the Ukrainian regime: they have such a task, a stitched program, laid down by the fires of the “Maidan” and fed with the notorious cookies from a generous Western hand.

Therefore, any negotiation message turns into a booth and clownish masks.

There really are seven Fridays a week, as Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the Russian president, commented on the attitude of the Ukrainian authorities towards the negotiations.

This testifies both to adventurism and lack of sanity, and to their complete lack of freedom in their actions.

Why does Zelensky need negotiation publicity?

Obviously, he perceives possible negotiations as another arena where he can demonstrate his talents in denouncing and insulting Russia, while pulling on himself the mask of the highest moral authority, who has received the undivided right to this kind of denunciation, which will not be restrained by any framework.

But this is only an external level of interpretation of such behavioral responses.

Yes, I would like to say that this is the role of a showman who spins a new story, keeps the audience in good shape, delivering new portions of adrenaline spectacles.

He played too much, stays in a completely different reality, which he can no longer resist, and is its prisoner.

A slave of a conditional lamp, which is rubbed, calling the one who is in the service, and issuing new commands.

And we are talking not only about playing in public, but also about his personal survival.

This is a priority for him.

And the fact that the world around is failing is not very exciting.

Decorations - they can always be removed, changed, broken ...

It seems that Zelensky is fully aware of what is between Scylla and Charybdis.

Their hostage.

Where, on the one hand, are American interests, and on the other, the local frostbitten agenda, those same infernal masses with torches that emerged from the bowels of the Maidan.

Here, either the yawning agenda, barking with a wild and unbridled squeal, will raise it to the peaks, or the deadly whirlpool of American interests will be sacrificed.

Therefore, it is necessary to shock in order to survive.

To be beyond reality and common sense.

To gain the appropriate image of a holy fool, bloody buffoon who will stop at nothing for the sake of personal survival.

A puppet is valuable only as long as it clearly performs all the necessary movements, as long as it is unquestioning and contributes to the fulfillment of the program for which it was created.

Any failure, any interference - and such a doll flies into the fire, and all evidence of it is swept away.

This is exactly the path of Zelensky.

Actually, this is a classic adventurous story, which has acquired bloody outlines in the current realities.

He is a matchmaker.

He bluffs and goes all-in, and all because of a pathological personal fear and unenviable prospects.

Therefore, it remains for him to curry favor, to do everything so that they do not leave him, do not leave him.

And he also wants very much to throw his baton to others.

Burn everything with a blue flame - and under the cover of this conflagration, you can slip away yourself.

Therefore, he dreams of fanning a big fire, because he cares only for his own skin.

Fear has big eyes.

And further.

The same Dmitry Peskov noted: “Any negotiations have goals.

Our goals are well known.

And these goals can be achieved either through a special military operation or through negotiations.”

What are the goals of the Ukrainian regime?

When you try to answer this question by analyzing his position and actions, you come to the conclusion that the goal is, if not the third world, then at least the inclusion of the maximum number of parties in the conflict.

Inflate the colossal fire that the current Ukraine consistently provoked even before the start of the Russian special operation.

How, with such goals, not to experience pathological fear, mixed with the hope that the owners will not forget!

That the owners will take pity on them and take them back to their island America, which, according to the assurances of the current instigators, should be a safe haven and a safe haven from widespread storms.

But this show won't last forever.

And this darkness will pass.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.