Five years he does not hear .. for a trivial reason

A man who thought he was deaf discovered that part of a hearing aid he had been using had lodged in his ear for five years.

The American, Wallace Lee, attributed his hearing problems to his profession in the noisy aviation industry or his rugby injuries.

The old Royal Navy soldier thought the object had become lodged during his plane ride.

"Five years ago when I was visiting family in Australia, I bought little earplugs that you can put different attachments in, depending on the noise you want to phase out on a plane," he explained.

It appears that "one of these small enclosures settled there and has been there ever since".

After that, the man began to notice a deterioration in his hearing, as well as his wife, and he began to believe that he was on the way to losing his hearing completely, and he said that he had tried to clean his ears several times over the years, to no avail.

 Later, when he decided to visit the doctor through an ear, nose and throat surgeon, who succeeded in removing the obstruction, he was amazed.

He said that because of its long presence and the accumulation of wax around it, it was not possible to move it, so the surgeon had to use precise tweezers and put them in the other tube in the ear canal. He said that he felt pulled, until he suddenly could hear everything.

"Instantly I could hear everything in the room," he said. "The fog that had been in my head all those years had gone and left - and I could hear really well. It was such a relief... It's like hearing properly for the first time again."

ENT surgeon Neil de Zoisa advised not to attempt foreign body removal without professional medical assistance as it could lead to infection or more difficulties later on.

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