The prefecture of Aveyron announced this week the establishment of a single call number for breeders who are victims of a wolf attack.

It is "reserved for breeders in the Department of Aveyron, and intended for the declaration of an attack by a large canine on their domestic herd", specifies the authority quoted by

To support breeders in their efforts

In recent weeks, several attacks attributed to the wolf have been recorded in the Department.

Thanks to this number, the breeder can quickly declare the damage to his herd and “be accompanied in his steps”.

All he has to do is dial 05.65.

73. 50. 90, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. “The agents of the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB) will carry out a damage report”, details the prefecture.

This measure reinforces the system put in place to protect the herds and support the owners in the event of an attack, such as defensive shootings or the provision of emergency animal protection kits.


Brittany: A first wolf plan triggered after suspicions of attacks


Netherlands: Province wants to deter wolves from park with paintball shots

  • Occitania

  • Wolf

  • breeder