• A lost kid thinks he's escaping the deals in his neighborhood when he meets a famous actor.

  • “Dealer” analyzes the relationship between the adolescent and the adult who poses as a paternal substitute.

  • This bitter thriller reveals a promising filmmaker along with the young and promising Sverre Rous.

"No, it's not me, I swear to you!"

This cry from the heart is the one that pushes, for

20 Minutes

, Jeroen Perceval, director of the thriller



The Flemish actor, seen in



Les Ardennes

, goes on to direct and declares that he has nothing in common with the hero of his film, a drug-addicted and irresponsible actor who leads a lost kid into a fake world.

"I feel closer to the young person who lets himself be drunk than to the selfish adult", insists Jeroen Perceval and it must be recognized that his portrait of a teenager torn between the desire to get into the cinema and his dealings for a caïd brutal is very successful.

Beginner Sverre Rous manages to get through the multiple phases that this 14-year-old toddler is going through, totally left to his own devices by an absent father and a drug-addicted mother.

A real naivety

“This apparently very tough kid pays dearly for his profound naivety, insists the director.

In this I can understand him.

His choices are deplorable but he has no structure to guide him.

In gloomy nightclubs and other dark alleys of Antwerp, the spectator sees an inevitable drama looming.

“My film is dark, recognizes Jeoren Perceval, but I would like the public to be able to perceive a little light in it as well as compassion for the hero.

Everything would have been different for him if he had had a real home.

We certainly feel that but also a real admiration for a very convincing young actor as well as for the promising filmmaker who knew how to highlight him so well.

Movie theater

“Close”: Friendship stories also usually end badly

Movie theater

"The Enemy": Why this politico-criminal affair could only take place in Belgium

  • Movie theater

  • Flanders

  • Dealer

  • Thriller