What in a person's life leads to one day being charged with a crime?

In the district court of Kaiserslautern, two psychiatric experts tried on Monday to approach this question in the case of the accused Andreas S. and Florian V.

S. is accused of having shot two police officers in the Kusel district on January 31 to cover up poaching, V. is said to have assisted him in the hunt and later helped to cover up the tracks.

Julia Anton

Society Coordinator.

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According to the expert, Andreas S.'s life was initially uneventful.

The thirty-nine-year-old grew up in unremarkable family circumstances.

His father, who also took his son hunting, died when S. was still a teenager.

However, his acquaintances would have taken care of the boy.

Witnesses described him as a loving husband and father.

Andreas S. made his master baker, took over his parents' business in 2016 and expanded it.

In his spare time he pursued his passion for hunting.

The main suspect is considered fully culpable

However, the expert attests to S. “certain characteristics that are sometimes found in psychopaths”.

The externalization of problems, a “certain coldness” and overconfidence are striking.

She is probably also responsible for the fact that S. had to file for bankruptcy with his company in 2020.

From September 2021 onwards, the proceeds from the sale of the poached meat became the family's main income.

The expert considers Andreas S. to be fully culpable, but in the event of a conviction the act is an "individual event".

He therefore does not advocate preventive detention.

Since S. refused to be questioned, he could only rely on the files and the main hearing - S. used this "to make himself clear as a person".

The main defendant had regularly got involved from the third day of the trial, accused V. of shooting the policewoman and himself referred to a kind of self-defense situation.

unemployment and drug problems

The 33-year-old V. had mostly remained silent after extensive statements to the police in court.

In the past, the trained construction mechanic had repeatedly been unemployed for longer periods, although the expert reported numerous job advertisements.

In addition to problems with his teeth, a lack of a driver's license probably made him unattractive for temporary employment agencies.

The fact that V., who had been convicted of fraud in the past, "remained below the design possibilities of his life" and ended up carrying game killed for Andreas S. into the car, could be due to regular consumption of cannabis and amphetamines.

Although V. was presumably under the influence of drugs during the crime, the expert attested that he was also fully culpable.

It can be assumed that V. consumed the drugs in a quantity that did not limit his ability to perform during the busy night of poaching.

He does not consider the conditions for a psychiatric incarceration to be given.

If the chief public prosecutor has his way, V. can expect a fine or suspended sentence.

He applied for the proceedings against V. to be discontinued for attempted evasion of criminal prosecution.

The verdict is expected to fall on November 30th.