The UN conference "COP27" to discuss climate change countermeasures held in Egypt began on the 7th, and as abnormal weather such as droughts and floods continues around the world, the damage from the leaders of developing countries is getting worse. There have been a series of calls for financial support for , and it is likely to become a major point of contention in future negotiations.

"COP27" held in Sharm el-Sheikh in eastern Egypt began on the 7th, the second day of the conference, with a two-day schedule of summit-level meetings attended by leaders of more than 100 countries.

At the outset, UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for the international community to work together to combat climate change, stating, "Mankind has a choice: to cooperate or perish."

On top of that, he called on the G20 = 20 major countries, which account for 80% of the world's emissions, to further promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

On the other hand, at this conference, it was decided to discuss for the first time financial support specializing in "loss and damage" caused by the adverse effects of climate change. No negative position.

Under these circumstances, President Ruto of Kenya, who delivered a speech on behalf of African countries, appealed that "loss and damage are not abstract concepts, but everyday realities of the people of Kenya and Africa," and urged developed countries for support. I was.

As droughts, floods, and other abnormal weather conditions continue around the world, leaders of developing countries are calling for financial assistance to deal with the worsening damage, which is likely to become a major point of contention in future negotiations.