Shelley Duvall returns to service in an independent horror film titled

The Forest Hills


Her name may not mean anything to you, but you've probably seen her on screen, whether in

Stanley Kubrick's

The Shining

, or Woodie Allen's

Annie Hall .

Her face having remained etched in the memory of an entire generation thanks to Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece, Shelley Duvall then chained small roles in independent horror films whose writers and directors wanted above all to offer Wendy Torrance, the character she played in the movie with Jack Nicholson.

It seems to be the same with this new project.

"We're big fans of

The Shining

and it's honestly one of my favorite horror movies of all time, along with

John Carpenter's

Halloween and George Romero

's Day of the Living Dead

," said the screenwriter and director Scott Goldberg in a statement published by Deadline.

“Shelley helped make

The Shining

an absolute masterpiece because she gave it her all and performed in a way that really showcased the fear and horror of an isolated mother.



The Forest Hills

will mark Shelley Duvall's first project in two decades, as her last film was in 2002, a comedy titled

Manna from Heaven


Her early retirement had found its explanation years later, when the actress had granted a worrying interview to Dr. Phil in 2016. The actress revealed that she suffered from serious psychological problems.

" I am very sick.

I need help, ”she then launched on the set of the famous American presenter.

Last year, she gave an interview to

The Hollywood Reporter


The reporter described the actress as living a peaceful existence in Texas with her longtime boyfriend.

Far from being close to internment, she is rather considered by her neighbors, who appreciate her very much, as an "eccentric aunt".

In this post, she addressed that 2016 interview and how much filming

The Shining

actually traumatized her.

In question, the shooting methods of Stanley Kubrick who pushed her to replay “35 times” the same take during which she had to scream, all in an environment far from everything.

His role in

The Forest Hills

may be able to become an outlet.

Shelley Duvall will indeed camp the mother of the protagonist there, a man tormented by nightmarish visions and haunted… by his mother's voice!


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