Along the Amazon swims the pirarucu, one of the world's largest freshwater fish.

In Brazil, the fish has started to be used in cooking, but then a large part of it is not used.

Until now.

It all started when the tanner Eduardo Filgueiras tried to extract leather from toad skin.

The toads were too small to make clothes from, and the business expanded to produce leather from, among other things, ostriches and salmon.

One day he got a tip about using the piarucu fish's scales in a similar way.

Using the same technique, he began extracting leather from the massive fish.

Used by Rihanna

Now Filgueira's tannery produces over 50,000 pieces of leather from the Piarucuf mountain per year.

The fish has swum into the exclusive fashion market in New York, where, among other things, the brand Piper & Skye has launched an entire bag collection of the fish scale.

In addition to bags in New York and cowboy boots in Texas, the artist Rihanna has also been photographed in a red mountain jacket, made from the pirarucu fish.