[Explanation] On November 1, the 20th China International Toys and Educational Equipment Exhibition opened in Chengdu. It is understood that this exhibition attracted more than 5,000 brands and more than 500,000 products.

  The reporter saw at the scene that the exhibition area not only has the most popular IP images and trendy figures at home and abroad, but also children's smart toys and baby products, and even powerful weapons, launch vehicles and space stations with a sense of technology. ...The audience can not only get close contact with the experience, but also participate in the interactive experience. Some exhibitors at the scene told reporters that the variety of toys is dizzying. While paying attention to product creativity, everyone pays more attention to product quality and craftsmanship.

  [Concurrent] Audience Mr. Huang

  This time I came to the exhibition mainly to pay attention to some toys of dolls and ornaments.

(This exhibition) Whether it is domestic IP or foreign IP, it is still quite rich, but the most important point is that some quality things (very important) of toys, some materials, and safety are still acceptable. To do better, we have to make it more vivid and more vivid in terms of craftsmanship.

  [Explanation] At the exhibition site, "Chinese elements" are the sales highlights that major brands are competing to present.

Sanxingdui culture, Hanfu, Peking Opera, traditional Chinese architecture and other elements run through the exhibits in various fields such as building blocks, ornaments, puzzles, and game derivatives.

One of the exhibitors combined traditional Chinese architectural culture with building blocks for children. Children can not only incorporate their own ideas in the construction process, but also learn about the cultural charm of traditional buildings.

  【Concurrent period】Fu Xiaoxuan, representative of exhibitors

  The most basic construction, the entire tenon-and-mortise structure, does not require a single nail or glue, and then you can complete the entire building structure, then until its eaves and walls, the entire totem, including the Hanfu worn by each character, is the embodiment of our traditional culture. .

Therefore, when children are playing, they can regard it as a home play, or they can regard it as (expanding) the cognition of traditional Chinese culture.

  [Explanation] Among the many exhibits, many brands have used technology to enhance the fun of their products.

An "AR globe" is particularly eye-catching. The staff opens the mobile APP and scans a seemingly ordinary globe, and various information in the scanning area will pop up. By selecting the information category, you can get text, animation and other content. , you can also reach out and interact in the camera, which is very interesting.

  【Concurrent】Exhibitor Representative Xu Wei

  The original globe can only be used as a teaching aid for learning, and the content it presents is very limited. Then, the knowledge points of teaching are gathered into an APP through AR technology, and the APP and the globe can interact. In the fifteen major sections There are more than 10,000 knowledge points to realize the fun of learning.

  [Explanation] In addition to toys and educational products, early childhood education is also an area of ​​concern, especially the current hot "programming education", which attracts exhibitors to understand.

The staff introduced that the programming of early education is to let the machine complete the instructions by setting several steps. In this process, the children have an understanding of the programming mode, not complicated coding.

  [Concurrent] Zhao Wei, representative of exhibitors

  We hope to let children understand programming thinking subtly, so programming thinking allows children to perceive first, why robots can bring you these related actions and experiences, then these are a preliminary for children to understand abstract programs and abstract programming.

Vertically, we have also advanced from screenless programming to visual programming, and even to adult vocational education (stage).

Therefore, you can also learn from a vertical perspective, experience from a horizontal perspective, and experience the thinking and logic of this programming from the enlightenment stage.

  Reported by reporter Lv Yang in Chengdu

Responsible editor: [Fang Jialiang]