Yasmina Kattou, edited by Laura Laplaud 10:54 a.m., October 24, 2022

Pediatricians issued a cry of alarm to Emmanuel Macron on Friday deploring working conditions and inadequate care, even as the bronchiolitis epidemic hits France, forcing some hospitals to transfer children to other places. other establishments.

In response, the state released 150 million euros.

But what will this money be used for?

It was a hectic weekend for the Minister of Health.

On Friday, 4,000 pediatric caregivers had sent an open letter to Emmanuel Macron to denounce their working conditions and inadequate care, the result of "irresponsible political inaction".

At the same time, an epidemic of bronchiolitis affects almost the entire territory and some regions find themselves obliged to transfer children to hospitals far from home.

The Ministry of Health on Sunday drew "an immediate action plan" and released 150 million euros.

But what will this money be used for?

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Recruit staff

This plan should be used to recruit staff.

"You still have to find some," conceded the Minister of Health, François Braun.

He also wants to retain caregivers already in place by promoting night work and guards, for example.

The measures applied this summer to keep the hospital going are being put back in place: doctors who accept unscheduled patients will receive 15 euros more for each consultation, the procedure allowing liberal professionals to share their working time between their office and the hospital. hospital will be facilitated.


 Saturation in pediatrics and bronchiolitis: it takes "a general project", insist the pediatricians

Relieve strained services

It is a question of relieving the services in tension, in particular pediatrics, saturated by an early epidemic of bronchiolitis.

For lack of space, 16 children had to be transferred outside Île-de-France.

The Minister of Health calls on parents to make a call to Samu to find out if it is necessary to go to the hospital.

All these emergency measures will be followed by "more permanent measures", promises the government.

To work on the structural difficulties, Pediatrics meetings are planned for the spring.