Solène Delinger 3:31 p.m., October 21, 2022

On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the death of Patrick Dewaere, France 5 broadcasts this Friday, October 21 the documentary "Patrick Dewaere, my father my hero", told by his daughter Lola.

The Valseuses actor also had another daughter, Angèle Henry, the fruit of his love affair with Miou-Miou.

In 1992, Julien Clerc decided to adopt the teenager. 

A tragic death.

In 1982, Patrick Dewaere ended his life by shooting himself with a rifle given to him by a friend.

The actor, who was one of the greatest talents of French cinema, was only 35 years old.

This Friday, October 21, France 5 decided to pay tribute to the star by broadcasting

Patrick Dewaere, my father my hero, 

an unpublished documentary told by his daughter Lola. 

"I adopted Angèle at her request when she was 17"

Patrick Dewaere also had another daughter: Angèle Henry, born in 1974 from his romance with the actress Miou-Miou.

After the death of the Valseuses actor, Miou-Miou started a new life with singer Julien Clerc, who raised Angèle as his "own daughter".

So, in 1992, the interpreter of

My preference 

naturally wanted to adopt the teenager, even if he was no longer in a relationship with his mother Miou-Miou.

"Angèle became my daughter, and I adopted her at her request when she turned 17", explained the former coach of 

The Voice

 in an interview with our colleagues from

Paris Match

, in February 2021.

Julien Clerc has five children born to three different mothers

At 75, Julien Clerc is surrounded by a large blended family.

His five children, Angèle, Jeanne, Vanille, Barnabé and Léonard, were born to three different mothers: Miou-Miou, Virginie Coupérie-Eiffel and Hélène Grémillon.

"The moms know each other and everyone gets together, two or three times a year. And everyone gets along well. (…) I tried not to reproduce the wounds produced by all these different lives", had explained the singer in 2015 in an interview with the Belgian media 

La Dernier Heure
