The special coordinating council announced by the President of Russia to ensure the tasks of the military operation was logically perceived in society as an analogue of the State Defense Committee during the Great Patriotic War.

And the fact that Prime Minister M.V.

Mishustin, even more logical.

Our goals in the "long warm war" with the "collective West", if you look at it, are mostly geo-economic than geopolitical.

And the current tasks, as practice has shown, are in the plane of public administration, planning public investments and streamlining the activities of economic structures and restoring elementary order in what used to be called "the discipline of public procurement."

Let us note five important, but so far non-obvious points that should be taken into account in the activities of the Special Coordinating Council (SCC).

New format of relations with private business

In the context of a direct confrontation with the West, the question arises of the status and mechanisms for managing the largest private assets.

It's not so much about the ownership of foreign companies.

It is necessary, without an emergency, but to strictly exclude the possibility of manipulating these assets both by domestic Russian swindlers and, all the more so, from the outside.

All attempts of raider seizures of enterprises included in strategically significant target chains must be stopped.

Business needs to lend a hand, but the SCS handshake must be strong so that “people of long will” appear who are able to overcome the oligarchic legacy of the 1990s in the economy.

A more radical restructuring of Russia's system of geo-economic ties is needed

The task of cleansing the system of trade and economic relations with the countries of Eurasia from the sentiments of the Soviet past and Soviet nepotism becomes central.

It is required to exclude direct or indirect support from the resources of the post-Soviet countries (for example, oil) of the military potential of the Kyiv regime.

If for this it is necessary to buy out all the oil of Kazakhstan or Azerbaijan three years ahead, including through some kind of barter, why not?

And the decision will have to be made by the SCS, which must have all the powers for this.

We need a new system of interaction with the regions

, excluding not only the notorious “regional autonomism” of the 1990s.

In our political development, we passed this station largely through the efforts of President V.V.

Putin and the current Deputy Secretary of the Security Council D.A.


Governors should become part of a unified front support system.

This means that it is necessary to clearly understand why other regional figures have taken a position of “neutrality” in relation to the NWO and how they need to be helped so that they realize the perniciousness of such behavior.

Safe digitalization of the public administration system

In the logic of the “long war”, it is precisely on it that our opponents will strike the main blow.

If the enemy manages to break the system of state administration, further destabilization of the country will be a matter of time.

It is impossible to increase the efficiency of management without digitalization, but these systems must have a degree of security specifically in wartime.

Personnel policy in the economy and public administration

This direction will also have to be taken over by SCS.

It's not so much about the need to replace "peacetime" personnel focused on compliance with regulations and formal indicators.

The point is the need to replace one and a half generations of “abstract managers” with a significantly smaller number of specialists who understand the business they are managing well.

If you look at it, then President Vladimir Putin has set the most important task for the SCS not just to consolidate the rear, but to create a new system of economic and socio-economic management.

Moreover, in significantly different, tougher and, let's not hide, bloody conditions than it was seen back in 2020.

But for some reason there is no doubt that this task will be successfully solved by the team of M.V.

Mishustin, I don't.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.