The Isère firefighters are angry.

The firefighters were invited to strike this Wednesday morning to protest against certain degraded working conditions, reports France 3 Auvergne Rhône-Alpes.

The strike movement was launched by several trade unions: the CGT, Sud and the inter-union SA SPP-PATS.

The priority request from firefighters is an increase in staff, in particular through the recruitment of 100 additional professionals over three years and the creation of related positions.

A growing danger for firefighters and the public

"The workforce is at half mast and we demand short and medium-term solutions to compensate for the lack of personnel", explains Manuel Coullet, trade unionist in the South, to France 3. Because of this lack of means, the firefighters often go on intervention in understaffed, creating a danger for them and for the population.

The various barracks also help each other, despite their sometimes significant geographical distance.

The mobilized fire soldiers hope to be able to negotiate their demands as soon as possible.

The service remained assured all day Wednesday despite the strike.


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  • Grenoble

  • Isere

  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

  • Firefighters

  • Strike

  • Union

  • Recruitment