Solène Delinger 4:04 p.m., October 13, 2022

Diane Leyre announced this week that she would not participate in Miss World or Miss Universe, for "lack of time".

But, for the former Miss France Camille Cerf, there would also be another reason explaining the absence of Diane Leyre from international competitions: the blackmail at international competitions carried out by the Miss France committee. 

Diane Leyre will not represent France either at Miss World or at Miss Universe.

Miss France 2022 explained in a press release that she simply did not have time to participate in these international competitions.

"Unfortunately, I will not be able to participate in the Miss Universe contest due to lack of time and preparation a few weeks before my presentation of the Miss France title, next December," she said.

And to add: "I don't like to do things by halves when it comes to representing France internationally".

"Business is business"

Clémence Botino will therefore represent France in the Miss World 2023 competition. And, it is Floriane Bascou, the first runner-up of Miss France 2022, who will participate in Miss Universe.

In addition, the decision of Diane Leyre aroused many reactions, in particular that of Camille Cerf.

If the former beauty queen recognizes that the schedule of Diane Leyre is hardly compatible with participation in international competitions, she also thinks that the absence of Diane Leyre is explained by another reason. 

"I'll tell you what I think. Already, she has the radio and going to an international competition involves being fully involved in the competition and its activities for a month, so it's complicated to combine the two", she said. first wrote on Wednesday October 12, 2022 in an Instagram story before adding: "And the other reason in my opinion is that the agency which manages us after our reign is doing a kind of blackmail at international competitions every year to Miss… In mode 'we favor girls under exclusive contract in the agency for international competitions'. Which in my opinion is very very limited. But hey, business is business".

A statement that is likely to make the Miss France committee jump.