Now it's official: Donald Trump also cheats in golf.

In the book "Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump", published on Tuesday, sports journalist Rick Reilly accuses the American President of being a habitual swindler ("cheat").

“He cheats at the highest level.

He cheats when people are watching and when they are not.

He cheats because it's his way of playing golf," Reilly writes.

For his book, he brought together the experiences of prominent fellow players of the President.

Actor Samuel L. Jackson recalls a game at the golf course named after Trump in Bedminster, New Jersey, when the 72-year-old dumped the ball in a lake in front of everyone.

A little later, miraculously, his caddy held up a ball that he said he had found on the green.

Even in games with professional players like Tiger Woods and Brad Faxon, Trump did not refrain from bluffing.

The 57-year-old Faxon, who has won the famous PGA Tour eight times so far, told Reilly about a devious ball that Trump secretly replaced with a new one.

“He drove to the place where he should have hit the first ball, dropped the new ball and hit it onto the green,” summarizes the golf pro.

Trump's self-declared handicap also doubts Reilly.

"If he's a 2.8, Queen Elizabeth is a pole vaulter," fumed the journalist, who has also played with Trump.

Trump, who is considered a good golfer and operates more than a dozen courses, has repeatedly been accused of spending too much time on the green. has counted 77 rounds since he entered the White House in January 2017.

His predecessor, Barack Obama, spent a similar amount of time on the golf course.

During his eight years in office, observers counted more than 300 rounds.