Louise Bernard and Solène Delinger 10:45 a.m., October 13, 2022

Serial killer stories never cease to fascinate crowds... And the dazzling success of the "Dahmer" series, available on Netflix for three weeks, proves it.

The show retracing the story of Jeffrey Dahmer, who murdered at least 17 people in the United States, has already accumulated more than 701 million hours of viewing. 


is a hit on Netflix.

This series by Ryan Murphy tells the true story of a serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer, who murdered at least 17 people in the United States without being worried by the authorities for more than ten years.

It's chilling and it fascinates Netflix subscribers, also impressed by the performance of Evan Peters, who perfectly embodies Jeffrey Dahmer.

"We will never tell the story from Dahmer's point of view"

In a video shared by Netflix on Twitter, the actor explains all the work he had to do to slip into the skin of the killer.

"We had a rule when we embarked on this Ryan project. We will never tell the story from Dahmer's point of view," he explains.

"I started from zero with Dahmer. I went straight to Youtube. Ryan Murphy told me to go see the interview with Stone Philips. So I looked at that. I started reading biographies. I was also able to read police reports and his confessions. I found on Youtube audios of what looks like a psychologist interviewing him. Or even a detective trying to trace what he lived. The way he speaks is very candid, very normal."

"We had one rule when we embarked on this project: not to tell the story from Dahmer's point of view."

Evan Peters tells us how he prepared for his role.


— Netflix France (@NetflixFR) September 29, 2022


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701 million viewing hours for


A successful bet for Evan Peter since the Dahmer series has accumulated more than 701 million hours of viewing in less than three weeks.

The program is therefore the second most viewed English series of all time on Netflix, after

Stranger Things,

even if the latter remains far ahead.

This summer, season 4 exploded the counters with 1.35 billion hours of viewing in less than a month. 

All these figures relate to English-language series, but there is a series that does even better than

 Stranger Things



it is South Korean:

Squid Game

 which accumulates 1 billion 650 million hours of viewing.