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Dirar with Al-Hol Al-Falasi


October 13, 2022

Collage is the art of cutting and pasting materials and collecting them into one image. The first to do this art were the Chinese, after the invention of paper, and the art of collage made a big change in the world of plastic art.

With the success of this “collage” art, a new WhatsApp collage has appeared in the recent period that depends on cutting, pasting and copying without knowing anything, and as the famous Egyptian proverb says, “On your eyes, merchant.”

That is, despite the abuses, abuses and rumors practiced by haters of the achievements of our state that they will not be able to undermine, we see them floundering in this new collage art, revealing their complex collage stupidity in the process of cutting and pasting, because it is obvious that the one who watches these pictures sees them as forgery and deliberately bad fabrication. Therefore, I advise them to develop their low technical level in that art, and to conduct training courses so as not to embarrass themselves with these trivial images.

Dear WhatsApp addict, I wish you to verify any publication that you receive via WhatsApp before you contribute by sending it and serving those who want in your country to spread sedition and rumours. Awareness is a necessity to preserve the nation’s reputation and stability, so do not be a tool in the hands of the malicious and haters of the nation.


The law does not protect fools, so be aware before you regret it. 


