
Huda was born


Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Al-Haddad

October 07 2022

What is the most beautiful thing you said, Prince of poets of your time:

Guidance was born, so beings are light, and the mouth of time is a smile and praise

The soul and the crowd of angels around it * for religion and the world with it for purchase.

And revelation drips a chain of chains* and the tablet and the wonderful pen are narration!!

You have never had such an expression full of reverence for the master of mankind, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for it is a true expression and not from the imagination of the poets, their far-sightedness, and their cleverness of mind. .

Yes, no one preceded you except that it was Al-Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib, may God be pleased with him, when his nephew sang to our master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, remembering God Almighty’s blessing of his birth. From his poem he said:

And when you were born, the earth shone and the horizon lit up with your light

We are in the light and in the light and the paths of guidance we pierce.

And the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, confirmed this true description of his birth, and the clear signs that took place in it.

Both of these two blessed sayings are what Muslims feel in the month of the birth of Al-Hadi Al-Bashir, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, as time reminds them of the good and blessings that befell the nation with the birth of its guide and guide to God Almighty, and the exit of whom God wills good for him from darkness to light, and that is what guides him God Almighty says: {And remind them of the days of God. Indeed, in that are signs, for every patient patient is thankful.}

The anniversary of the birth of the master of humankind, Muhammad bin Abdullah, for which the world and the universe were shaken, and the truth, glory be to Him, authorized His servants to change their condition because of this birth, is what Muslims see as a blessing and what a blessing?!

It is she who was the light of divine light for his creation by sending a messenger from him, guiding to the truth and to a straight path, his mission is a blessing, his message is mercy, and his law is guidance and light. For a Muslim to feel like this and praise God Almighty for this great blessing, so he expresses it with what he can express in terms of sincere praise, charity, poetic songs, or other things that people consider an expression of joy for this blessing, all of which is indicated by the saying of the truth, Glory be to Him. : {But the grace of your Lord came to pass}.

And if the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, expresses this by fasting on the day of his birth as a thank you to God, the expression of this is not limited to fasting, but may be what the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, admired of praise and praise, or what he urged him to feed the food and honor the guests, or by reading His biography, peace be upon him, which is part of his Sunnah;

May the ardent longing to see him be renewed, and the tongues rejoicing in prayer and peace be upon him, which is one of the closest to God Almighty.

And if all of these matters are combined in what is called the Mawlid, then that is fine, as the majority of the people of Islam, from the hadiths, scholars and others in every era and Egypt, believed that all of this strengthens the bond of love for the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and it is the quality that necessitates its owner to accompany him in Paradise. It is the goal that a Muslim desires.

The memorial of the birth of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, does not need a deep inference, but rather a love that flows, which is a reason for faith to be fulfilled, as guided by his saying, peace and blessings be upon him: “None of you believes until I am dearer to him than his father, his son and all people.” His love, peace and blessings be upon him, is fueled, as it is one of the means that achieve goals.

If all of these things are combined in what is called the Mawlid, then yes it is.

 «The Chief Mufti, Director of the Ifta Department in Dubai»

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