Solène Delinger 4:00 p.m., October 3, 2022

Alexandra Pizzagali will have waited a month before expressing herself.

In an interview with "Parisien", the comedian returns to the bad buzz caused following his first appearance in "Télématin".

She had then made a chronicle with black humor on the terrorist of the Nice attack, the day of the opening of the trial.

"I was clumsy," she admits, as she was ousted from the show. 

A month after his column which shocked Télématin


, comedian Alexandra Pizzagali apologized on Sunday in an interview with Le


 "I was clumsy, it was neither the place nor the time for this text," she said.

Monday September 5, Alexandra Pizzagali, 34, took her first steps as a columnist in the program broadcast on France 2.

A huge bad buzz 

For her first appearance on the air, the young woman then decided to tackle a topical subject: the opening of the trial for the Nice attack.

"Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, no effort made for the pronunciation of his name, at the same time, was it necessary to respect the Highway Code, I do not think", she let go after a first concern of teleprompter.

The chronicle of almost 5 minutes was then interrupted by a commercial break. 

Alexandra Pizzagli ousted from


But, the damage was done, the bad buzz launched on social networks.

"The clumsiness that I had was to treat a serious subject with lightness in a current affairs program which evoked it in a loop in a poignant way", analyzes the comedian, a month after the outcry.

"But I can't regret what I didn't express. In this column, I only insult the terrorist, never the victims," ​​she defends.

In this same interview, Alexandra Pizzagali says she recently learned that she would not return to the show when she had "reworked a concept" and wrote a "much more appropriate" column.

The comedian, however, keeps his weekly column on France Inter in the

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show , Wednesdays at 4 p.m.