"The children of the People & Baby-Eden Art crèche in Bordeaux will be welcomed back on Monday, a month in advance," rejoiced the group in a press release, released on Monday morning.

This Bordeaux nursery, from the same group as an establishment closed in Lyon after the death of a child, was authorized to reopen by the prefecture of Gironde, which had ordered its closure for three months in July.

“A curious closing order one week from the summer holidays at the end of July” estimates the establishment in its press release.

In its decree repealing this measure, dated Friday, the prefecture indicates that a doctor from the departmental maternal and child protection services (PMI) has given a "favorable opinion" for a reopening of the Eden Art crèche.

“The prefecture had noted inappropriate behavior by three professionals”

In July, the prefecture had noted "inappropriate behavior of three professionals supervising children" exposed in a "report transmitted by the juvenile prosecutor's office", namely "inappropriate cries and words during outings in the outdoor space located on the parking lot of the building”.

The text also mentioned a report by a doctor from the PMI evoking "(a) ill-being of the children, (a) climate of discouragement and insecurity in the crèche", "(the) presence of an unknown child professionals present, (one) unreachable operational manager”.

“Improper and hasty” decision

For the People & Baby group, it is an “abusive and hasty” decision.

The group “regrets that it took two months and the difficulty of 20 families (to reopen) when everything was in order: team, diplomas, premises, safety standards, training”.

He assures us "that faulty supervision is impossible in his network because it is simply prohibited by protocol which commits each of his employees each year to respect this essential rule for the quality of reception".

At the end of June, in Lyon, an eleven-month-old girl died in a People & Baby crèche.

An employee was indicted for intentional homicide, suspected of having made the child ingest a caustic product because she was "exasperated by her crying", according to the prosecution.

The establishment is permanently closed.

Another Lyon nursery of this same network has just been administratively closed for three months after a fire started on September 20, during which children were stranded inside the establishment, according to the prefecture. of the Rhone.

Miscellaneous facts

Lyon: Administrative closure of a People & Baby crèche after the start of a fire


Nurseries: Professionals opposed to the right to hire less well-trained employees

  • Company

  • Crib

  • Prefecture

  • Security

  • Bordeaux

  • Gironde

  • Aquitaine