Autumn is a period of high incidence of livestock diseases, and it is also a critical period for sterilizing and vaccinating the flock.

Recently, more than 500,000 sheep in Zhaosu County, Xinjiang have been given "medicated bath" health care to promote their growth and development, improve their immunity, and successfully survive the winter.

  Under the guidance of local animal husbandry and veterinary technicians, the sheep entered the "medicated bath" in an orderly manner.

Drive the sheep, fold the sheep, enter the pool, and soak.

In a short period of time, the flock completed the "medicated bath".

  The medicated bath can not only eliminate parasites and prevent scabies in livestock, but also play a role in sterilization and disinfection. It can also remove dirt on livestock and promote growth and development.

At the same time, it can also improve the lambing rate of ewes and the survival rate of lambs.

  (The video of Chu Xu produced by Patnasheng comes from the Rong Media Center of Zhaosu County, Xinjiang)

Responsible editor: [Sun Jingbo]