In 1993, the newspaper "Soviet Russia" published an article by Metropolitan John of St. Petersburg and Ladoga "Overcoming the Troubles".

The article said that the West is waging a dirty war against Russia.

And, among other things, the words of the American General Allen Dulles, one of the American directors of the CIA, were pointed out about the need to replace Russian values ​​with fake ones and force the Russians to believe in these fake values.

Since then, these words have entered the Russian conspiracy called "The Dulles Plan."

Since the original source was not in English, enthusiasts tried to find it in Russian.

And found the source.

The primary source was the novel by Anatoly Ivanov "Eternal Call".

In the second part of this novel, published in 1981, he is voiced by a clearly negative character, a former Russian gendarmerie officer, and now an SS Standartenführer named Lakhnovsky.

“By sowing chaos there, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values!”

- says Lakhnovsky, and no earlier sources of this phrase have been found.

Gradually it became clear that such words were indeed spoken by the director of American intelligence, Allen Dulles.

Only not in the real world, but in Yulian Semyonov's novel "Seventeen Moments of Spring".

He (literary) borrowed his fabrications about the nature of the Russian soul from the works of Pushkin, Saltykov-Shchedrin and Dostoevsky.

In Russia, the non-existent plan was taken so seriously that the city court of the city of Asbest, Sverdlovsk Region, once even recognized it as extremist.

And everything would be fine - figured it out and figured it out.

It suddenly turned out that in the depths of American think tanks there really are similar theories of working with Russia.

The authors of an article published in Politico titled "Waging a psychological war against Russia" admit their mistakes in dealing with the Russian fate.

The authors are a former (as usual) American intelligence officer and some adviser to the Barish Center for Media Integrity at the Defense of Democracies Foundation.

Such a name reeks of tarpaulin from a mile away, but democracy will not defend itself, as you know.

Democracy must be defended.

Its inextinguishable light burns only with the support of burning.

So, the article states that working with publications financed from obscure sources does not give any result.

Because nobody cares about "realities" and "investigations".

I mean, they tried.

And judging by the fact that the article is in an expert publication, they continue to do so.

Moreover, we don't give a damn about "freedom and democracy" that opposes "Putin's authoritarian regime."

Because we are quite satisfied with "Putin's authoritarian regime."

But since they state that the thesis about freedom and democracy does not work (in a country where the word “democrat” is generally a bit of a dirty word), it means that they tried it.

They tried to sell us glass beads for gold.

And since all this does not work, then we need to sell us nationalism.

“The rise of nationalism could be an advantage for the US in its psychological war with the Kremlin,” the authors write.

Remember from The Dulles Plan?

“Nationalism and the enmity of peoples – first of all, enmity and hatred for the Russian people – we will cultivate all this deftly and imperceptibly, all this will blossom into a double flower.”

Once Navalny already tried to sell nationalism, though not to the Russian people, but to a number of others.

But, apparently, he forgot to tell it to Yale later.

And the authors still do not know that there are maybe eight people in Russia who can read nationalists.

Well, or ten.

And the other nationalists cannot sell the idea of ​​nationalism - it already exists.

For those who do not have this idea, it is idiosyncratic.

That is why this idea does not exist.

But the experts of the Barish Center for Media Integrity at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies are not so simple!

They propose to sell to the Russians the idea of ​​humiliating Russia by Putin as a result of the “bloody war” in Ukraine.

Do you understand?

They want to sell the American flag to the man with the letter Z on the car.

Well, let's see how they are going to do it.

And they offer to do this (attention!) Through social networks.

Using (again attention!) humor.

Here I am, of course, fiercely, furiously laughing.

Remembering the project "Vladimir Vladimirovich ™", as well as many of its imitations, created by people who bring light.

In addition, it is supposed to resort to "quietly forging partnerships with Russian-speaking social media influencers to help them spread messages inside Russia in order to counter the Kremlin's pervasive disinformation."

And here I would like to ask: who is it with?

Who are the mysterious influencers who will counter the Kremlin's pervasive disinformation on social media?

And most importantly, they will resist to what?

Probably to lure the reader of one Telegram channel to another, denying the first one.

The task is, of course, interesting.

But I would love to see a good example.

In the comments on all this in one social network banned in Russia (from where, by the way, quotes from Politico are taken), they briefly remarked: “They don’t know us at all.”

And here I would end this article, but it is actually just beginning.

The open secret is that the American cultural machine is too strong and clumsy.

And while these think tanks will come up with new ways to lure Telegram subscribers from one channel to another, American culture will continue to tell us about itself with all its monstrous power.

As one grandmother in the Ural dumplings said to a conspiratorial American agent who hung a Russian flag out of the window every morning: “The Russian flag.

American habit.

We know everything about them, because they told us everything about the global screenings of widescreen premieres for the entire multi-billion audience of American culture.

They only know about us what they read from Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky.

And this information, let's say, is somewhat outdated.

And it is our cultural locality (forgive me, supporters of Russia from the Pacific Ocean to the Pacific Ocean) that gives us cultural invulnerability.

“What kind of country is this,” the Chief Burzhuin asked, “where any Malchish knows a military secret and does not tell it to anyone?”

We don't need to tell our secret.

Because it simply doesn't exist.

And that is why we cannot be changed either through leaders of public opinion, or through comedians (who, by the way, all left somewhere), and even more so through the idea of ​​humiliating Russia by outcasts.

Because the outcast in Russia is honorable.

And the greatest Russian saints doomed themselves to outcasts.

It is difficult to look for a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there.

It is difficult to comprehend the Russian secret, especially if this secret does not exist.

However, they are unlikely to understand it.

And those who receive funding from them are unlikely to tell them about it - because then they will stop paying.

And we will watch with great interest how opinion leaders will make us laugh with stories about how we are humiliated.

That in itself would be very funny.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.