Louise Bernard 11:22 a.m., September 28, 2022

TF1's information management unveiled its "climate roadmap" on Tuesday, intended to strengthen its coverage of the ecological transition.

Like France Télévisions on Friday, the channel announced a partnership with RTE, manager of the public electricity transmission network behind the EcoWatt alert, "the smart bison of electricity", which the group will relay in its programs. news and weather reports. 

Electricity forecast, reports imagining France in 2030, committee of experts... Like France Télévisions on Friday, TF1 announced a partnership with RTE, manager of the public electricity transmission network at the origin of the alert EcoWatt, "the smart bison of electricity", which the group will relay in its news programs and weather forecasts, in order to avoid cuts this winter.

Help viewers better understand

This device makes it possible to see in real time the level of electricity available in the country thanks to a signal in three colors: green (normal), orange (tense), and red (very tense), which requires moderating its consumption during peaks (between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. and between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.).

TF1 will display the red pictogram on all its channels.

This pictogram should encourage people to reduce their consumption to avoid power cuts this winter.

Another common point: the private group also trains its journalists on the subject of ecological transition, climate change and will continue to do so, but without creating a specific editorial department.

The head of information, Thierry Thuillier, considers that the subject must be treated by all the services, since it has political as well as social or economic consequences. 


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The group already claims 500 reports per year on the subject but wants to do better.

All its future reports will be signed with the same logo "our planet".

And TF1 especially wants to help viewers by answering their very concrete questions in the news, by creating subjects, and reports with the help of augmented reality, the same technique as for video games.

What illustrate with great realism the rise of water in a city for example.

This will make it possible to better visualize the future, France in 2030. TF1 intends to do education, more than activism.

"We prefer to provide solutions rather than being in the denunciation"

"We believe that our mission is first of all to help the French people watching us to become aware on the one hand of environmental issues and on the other hand to support what I call the transformation of French society towards a more clean, more livable for everyone", explains on Europe 1 Thierry Thuillier, director of information for the group.

"If you start by telling them 'you fill your fuel tank, it's not good, you, you kept your diesel car, it's not good', we won't succeed for a very simple reason. : sometimes, these people are forced to do it. And so in truth, we have to help them through pedagogy in the media. And I think that's our role first and foremost. We prefer to 

Environmental and societal topics concerning the World Cup in Qatar

And then there is a question that arises: TF1 will broadcast the World Cup in Qatar, criticized among other things for certain ecological aberrations such as the air conditioning of the stadiums.

Isn't it a bit paradoxical to present this climate plan and broadcast the competition?

"It's not incompatible," however assures Thierry Thuillier.

On the contrary, "this is precisely the key moment to put a focus on Qatar, and in particular these issues that interest us, that is to say the energy and environmental issues. We have dispatched teams who will deal with of these subjects. We will have teams that will deal with sports competition. That's normal. And then we will have alongside, in parallel, teams that will deal with these environmental, economic, social and societal subjects “, he assures.