grudge (3)

Abdullah Al Qamzi

September 26, 2022

An email reached the chief medical officer of a hospital, asking him to meet with a neurologist who is a candidate for a position in his department.

The chief medical officer met the doctor, and gave him a written exam.

The candidate passed the test with a high score, and the chief doctor said to him: I can't judge you now, but we'll come back next week, and I will have seen your test.

A week later, the doctor called the candidate to ask, and an official in the Employment Department informed him that he had not passed the test, and that he had no share in this hospital.

The candidate doctor was amazed, and said he was sure he passed the test, so the recruiter said to him: I believe you, sir, but the chief doctor wants someone with other qualifications.

My advice was given in the other hospital branch, when a doctor is looking for someone with your qualifications to help her, and I will send your papers to her.

The doctor called the candidate, and invited him for an interview and a test, and he passed them, and she signed his appointment paper, and the days passed, and it was a certain good for her.

The doctor wanted to complete her studies and specialize in a field close to her field, and she was approved, and she traveled to Britain.

The hospital director did not find anyone to replace her except the chief physician from the hospital's headquarters.

The chief doctor entered the neurologist's office, and said to him: Come with me.

He took him to an adjacent room, and told him: You have to pass a new test.

The doctor refused, and expressed anger at the arrogant treatment, and the chief doctor told him: If you refuse, I will apply disciplinary measures to you.

The two quarreled, and their voice rose, and a nurse intervened to calm them down.

He gathered the chief physician working in that department, and asked them to interrupt the neurologist, and not to deal with him, because he refuses instructions.

And he held a series of fruitless meetings with them, in which he only talked about how to get rid of the neurologist.

And whenever they asked him about the reason, he said: I do not have to have reasons, I am the most knowledgeable and experienced of you, and I am the chief physician, and I understand the interest of work more than everyone else.

The chief physician, a neurologist, was extirpated, and he brought an assistant physician with him to take the second place.

That assistant doctor was incredibly rude, and she mocked the neurologist in front of their colleagues, and insulted him in full view of the chief doctor, who was laughing and amused at what was happening.

A month later, a neurologist's patient came to the hospital complaining of pain.

It turned out that he had been misdiagnosed, and an inappropriate medication had been prescribed to him.

The hospital conducted an investigation, and it was found that the assistant doctor was the one who diagnosed, and the chief doctor did not review the diagnostic procedures.

The director of the hospital decided to save the place's reputation, so he dismissed them from work immediately, and returned the neurologist to his previous place.

Five years later, the neurologist became chief medical officer.


Never think that your ingenuity, experience, knowledge, or even genius will intercede for you in times of crisis, especially if the cause of the crisis is hatred that is of no use other than your psychological, professional and social destruction.

And always remember that donkeys that have no brains feel earthquakes before they occur, and they flee from the place, so that the houses fall on the heads of the wise.

• Never think that your ingenuity, experience, knowledge or even genius will intercede for you in times of crisis.



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