Solène Delinger 3:44 p.m., September 19, 2022, modified at 3:46 p.m., September 19, 2022

Corinne Masiero breaks the silence.

The 58-year-old actress testifies in a documentary broadcast on September 26 on France 3 and entitled "Incest, saying it and hearing it" of the sexual assault of which she was the victim at the age of eight.

Invited to France Inter on Monday morning, she explains that she decided to tell her story to break the taboo surrounding incest. 

With the approach of the broadcast, on September 26 on France 3, of a documentary entitled 

Incest, saying it and hearing it, 

Corinne Masiero, who testifies in this film, answered questions from Sonia Devillers Monday morning on France Inter.

At the microphone of the journalist, the actress explained why she agreed to testify for the very first time to the incest of which she was a victim. 

“It is a must to watch this documentary”

"Because it's important to speak up, because it's important to participate in projects and films like that of Andréa Rawlins because speaking is the spark that makes things happen after”, she said on France Inter before hammering: “It is a duty to watch this documentary”.


Incest, say it and hear it,

Corinne Masiero, facing the camera, puts words to the unspeakable.

Corinne Masiero: "The only time when there is equality between social classes is during incest: it affects everyone, equally, everywhere"

– France Inter (@franceinter) September 19, 2022

Break the omerta

The actress, now 58, was assaulted by one of her cousins, ten years her senior, when she was eight years old.

"A little girl jumping on her knees, her hands wandering around, her sex hardening", described on France Inter Corinne Masiero in very crude terms, to tell this incest.

Acts such as "looks, gestures or even rubbing" which had given him "a feeling of shame".

At the microphone of Sonia Devillers, she warns about the omerta and the trivialization of these attacks within families, who do not hesitate to make "blagounettes" on women and children.

"It's not normal," she says indignantly.

"Incest affects everyone equally, everywhere"

By telling her story, Corinne Masiero hopes to "lift the veil" on this still taboo subject but which "affects everyone equally, everywhere".

"The only time there is class equality is about incest," she said.

In all families we are confronted with this.

Why ?

Because we see in the pubs, in what we see on TV, at school, people who have power.

It's always white men doing what they want with others around.

In the family, he is the patriarch". 

The actress of

Captain Marleau

insists on the fact that one should never force a victim of incest to testify because it would be synonymous with a "second aggression".