The intestinal microbiota and more broadly our intestine, also called the second brain by scientists, still has a part of mystery.

To learn more, the “French Gut” project was launched on Friday and is to last five years, reports Liberation.

It will be piloted by the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm), the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (Inrae), the hospitals of Paris and AgroParisTech.

The French are asked to send a sample of faecal matter.

The project leaders hope to recover 100,000 by 2027, including 3,000 before the end of 2022, according to Sciences et Avenir.

Learn more about gut bacteria

Because the microbiota contains bacteria, viruses and fungi in number.

And it has an impact on digestion, sleep, overweight or certain chronic diseases such as diabetes, Crohn's disease or cancer.

It can be modified by our way of life: food or even stress.

With the French Gut, scientists would like to learn more about the intestinal bacteria of the French and study healthy microbiota.

The science of the microbiota is really essential to open up new preventive and therapeutic avenues,” explained researcher Joël Doré, microbiota expert, at a press conference.

A global study

To participate, you must register online, answer a questionnaire before sending your stool sample.

A kit is sent by post.

Only adults residing in mainland France can participate, except those with a digestive stoma, who are on a course of antibiotics, or who have undergone a colonoscopy in the last three months.

Volunteers should be followed until the end of their life.

The French Gut is part of a much larger study: the Million Microbiome of Humans Project.

China, Denmark, Sweden and Estonia have already participated and the first results are expected as early as 2024.

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  • Body

  • Biology

  • Virus

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