On September 17, local time, India released eight cheetahs introduced from Namibia into the wild.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi hosted a cheetah release event in Kuno National Park that day.

  India was once home to the Asian cheetah, but the species was declared extinct in 1952.

The disappearance of the Indian cheetah is mainly attributed to hunters, but also to their habitat loss.

  India has been working to import the eight cheetahs, a species distinct from Asian cheetahs, since the Supreme Court of India approved the trial introduction of African cheetahs at a "carefully selected site" in 2020.

"Cheetahs are very adaptable and I think they'll adapt well," said Dr Laurie Mark, founder of the Namibia-based Cheetah Conservation Foundation.

(Making Yueziyan)

Responsible editor: [Wang Yu]