When Erin Doherty landed the role of Princess Anne in

The Crown

, she chose to conceal her homosexuality.

A choice she didn't make happily, while she felt a certain pressure weighing on her about it.

"I'm not going to lie, I won't name anyone, but when I got

The Crown

I felt a lot of pressure to hide my sexuality," she told the



There was a time when I was like, “Can I be open about this and be successful in my career?”

And the fact that this question has still crossed my mind, and may still cross other people's minds, it's so disgusting.


To live unhappy, live hidden

Today, living in secrecy is out of the question for Erin Doherty.

Currently in a relationship with actress Sophie Melville, she hopes to participate in breaking this stigma which still encourages so many artists to keep their sexual orientation secret.

“I am truly aware of all the people who have lived for years and years and years, either in shame or in denial or just in hiding,” she continued.

Actors, actresses who have really done everything so that it is not known, in order to have a career.

I just want to try to do something about it.



What exactly does Prince William inherit now that his father has become king

  • People

  • Video

  • netflix

  • The Crown

  • Homosexuality

  • Lesbian

  • LGBT movement

  • Actress