His name is Alain Robert and his passion is extreme climbing.

He is known worldwide as the “Spiderman” from France.

Now he has done it again – belatedly for his 60th birthday.

In the La Defense business district in Paris, Robert climbed a 187-meter skyscraper without any protection.

Arriving at the top of TotalEnergies' 48-story building, the red-clad freeclimber held up his hands in the air.

He had set himself this goal for his 60th birthday.

He has also attracted attention in the past, sometimes he was arrested on the spot if he lacked a permit.

He has been climbing since 1975, but he started out on rocks in a somewhat unspectacular way.

The facade climber has scaled dozens of buildings, including (exceptionally with ropes) the 828-meter-high Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest building in the world.

In 2021 he climbed a 153 meter high office tower in Frankfurt together with the free climber Leo Urban.

At the time, he wore cowboy boots and a silver suit.

The police cordoned off the public area in front of the skyscraper.

The two climbers were subsequently arrested temporarily.

A criminal complaint was filed against her for trespassing.

“I want to send the message to people that being 60 means nothing.

You can still play sports, be active and do great things,” said Robert.

"I decided a few years ago that I would climb this tower again when I turned 60, because 60 symbolizes retirement age in France." That's a nice idea, Robert told the Reuters news agency.

With his actions, Robert also wants to draw attention to the man-made climate crisis.